Boston Butt Bag Bomber


Active Member
I realize everyone will be calling for the Butt Bag to be put to death but, he is after all an American citizen and should have the right to rehabilitate like everyone else!!! Sooooooo, I propose he be put on a work release program with the Boston Bomb Disponal Unit!!! Instead of taking a chance on destroying an expensive and perfectly good robot, this Butt Bag does the examinations of suspicious bags and what not!!! He could be loaned out to other cities too!! He will still have the chance for love while in jail and serve the community!! Oh yeah, Butt Bag=a Bag of Butts!!!!!

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Not only death, but tortured. I suggest making mini versions of the bomb. Make them so small, it takes over 180 blasts to kill him. Then use one more so there's nothing left.


Well-Known Member
I say give him to George Zimmerman for 15 minutes. Apparently, he knows precisely how to deal with innocent teenagers.