Boston First Closet AeroGrow *Purple Kush, Grape Muerte*


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bongsmilieHellow Fellow Rollitupers!bongsmilie

I have decided, due to my extreme love of God's blessed flora, to start an indoor Aerogarden grow! Before I moved to Boston for school I successfully grew White Widow and G13 at my old home in California. I am very excited to see how the foxy ladies will turn out east of the Mississippi.

For this grow, I will be using:
-An Aerogarden Deluxe with three CFL bulbs that came with the unit.
-Trusty thermometer with humidity readout
-Distilled water
-A tower oscillating fan
-I also purchased three 42W CFLs that I have yet to hook up. They sit in the 2700K spectrum so I was planning on saving them for flowering.

The closet I am utilizing is very shallow, but it has a nice width and height. I figure 3 plants could sustain a healthy lifestyle in such a space.

Last week I received 5 Fem AF Northern Lights seeds in the mail and Placed two of them in the Aerogarden. After 4 days there was still no sign of sprouting or successful germination. I removed the humidity dome from one to take a closer peek and I saw the seed had sprouted upside down.....:/ smart on my part. I flipped the seed around (I still do not know if that was my critical mistake), and replaced the humidity dome. Two days later both seeds had germed and were barely showing through the top of the grow capsule. But after just two days from showing, no more growth occurred. I added the nutrient packet that was recommended by the Aerogarden instructions sheet, but I dont know if that would have any negative effects on the plant. It was a 5.5 ML capsule. At this point I started to think maybe it was a series of outside elements causing such stunted growth. I bought a thermometer and placed it in the grow closet for an hour. The readings were as followed:

Temp: 90F with thermometer directly under light, resting at the level of the capsules
Humid: 30%
Light Cycle: 24/0

This temperature was far too high for the babies so I decided to get a fan. I placed the fan in between the door and the sill as to circulate colder air from the connecting room into the closet where the Aerogarden is housed. I also placed a basin of distilled water under the lights to raise the humidity a bit. I let the thermometer sit for an hour and the readout was as follows:

Temp: 80F with thermometer directly underlight, resting at the level of the capsules
Humid: 35% with distilled water basin aprox 18in from light
Light Cycle: 24/0

At this point, I felt much more comfortable with the conditions in the room. I ordered more seeds from Attitude which came in the mail two days ago. This was the start of my grow. I purchased 3 Fem AF Grape Muerte from Barney's Farm, 2 Fem AF Purple Kush seeds from Buddha Seeds, 2 Fem AF Blue Cheese from Barney's Farm, and the order came with two free seeds: Darkstar Fem and Bubblegummer Fem. I started the grow yesterday by flushing the Aerogarden system with distilled water and placing my last Fem AF Norhtern Lights seed in the back of the Aerogarden. Today, two days after the planting, no signs of germination have shown.

I attempted two different types of germination. The first method, placing the seed directly into the Aerogarden "foam medium" worked for 2/3 seeds (the third being the newly planted seed that has not yet shown). The second method, placing two seeds inside a wrung paper towel placed between two paper plates on top of a cable box- inside a larger box to eliminate light bleed. This method failed horribly. I left the box on overnight thinking the seeds would be OK, only to find the paper towel extremely dry and hot in the morning. Thinking I had a buffer, I re-wet the paper towel and placed it back in the box overnight... The same results came in the morning. I believed the seeds to be too stressed at this point so I put them to the side.

As soon as the last NL seed sprouts, I will place one Fem AF Grape Muerte seed and one Fem AF Purple Kush seed into the Aerogarden unit.

Here are some pictures for your eyes:


If all goes well, this should b e a great summer grow!:bigjoint: -Skullba


New Member
It is day two after the planting of the last Fem AF NL seed. She still has not sprouted but the temp is still at 80F, though the humid rose to 45% last night due to the water basin I placed under the lights. The grow is in the boring stages =/ but its very exciting anticipating the sprouting! More pictures will come when there is more to see...


New Member
Do any of you vets see any issues in the grow setup so far? Any suggestions, comments, quarries?


New Member
UPDATE!!!!!!!!! The plants are about 2 months into flowering now and I dont know if theyre ready to harvest yet!!!! There are three strains: (FROM LEFT IN FIRST PHOTO) Bubbleicious, Bubbleicious, Qrape Muerto- other one in aero garden- Purple Kush. I think the Purple Kush, smallest in the solo pot off to the side, is ready to harvest. WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK?????


New Member
Ill post more pix of the second bubblicious plant when the lights come back on. she has the fattest colas.

I getting anxious!!!!!
do i have to wait until the leaves turn yellow?


New Member
Ill post more pix of the second bubblicious plant when the lights come back on. she has the fattest colas.

I getting anxious!!!!!
do i have to wait until the leaves turn yellow?


Well-Known Member
very nice for cfl id use a microscope and check on the trics notice if they are ready to burst and amber it will loook like a ball of gel with a stem sorta like a mushroom that gets bigger when it looks like its going to explode then i usaully pick i also look at the hairs 75% or more have turned color