Im growing two plants indoors (4th week of veg) that I got from seeds from a bag. I wasnt hoping for much but everything was going better than I thought it would until recently. Each plant has a separate problem.
1) Plant #1 was getting big so I decided to repot it. Unfortunately I carelessly took it out of its pot and cut many of the smaller roots off. Checked on it a few hours later (now in the new pot) and it had completely wilted, so much so that I was sure it was dead. Now, a day later, the uppermost region is looking pretty decent and there is some new growth coming from where secondary stalks meet the main stalk. Most full leaves are still dead-looking though.
Should I leave it as is? Should I cut off the dead parts and let it regrow? Any other suggestions?
2) Plant #2 is growing at probably half the speed that #1 was. One leaf is twisted and the lower leaves are yellowing. The yellow color is moving up from bottom to top. I fertilized both plants once with 20-20-20 miracle grow mixed with water. Didnt do anything. Magnesium deficiency? If so, how do I add magnesium? Other possibilities? I find this strange because both plants are in almost identical conditions.
Thanks so much for your help. Hopefully I will sort this first grow out and at least get to flowering if not harvest. Then Ill know what to do for the second grow!
1) Plant #1 was getting big so I decided to repot it. Unfortunately I carelessly took it out of its pot and cut many of the smaller roots off. Checked on it a few hours later (now in the new pot) and it had completely wilted, so much so that I was sure it was dead. Now, a day later, the uppermost region is looking pretty decent and there is some new growth coming from where secondary stalks meet the main stalk. Most full leaves are still dead-looking though.
Should I leave it as is? Should I cut off the dead parts and let it regrow? Any other suggestions?
2) Plant #2 is growing at probably half the speed that #1 was. One leaf is twisted and the lower leaves are yellowing. The yellow color is moving up from bottom to top. I fertilized both plants once with 20-20-20 miracle grow mixed with water. Didnt do anything. Magnesium deficiency? If so, how do I add magnesium? Other possibilities? I find this strange because both plants are in almost identical conditions.
Thanks so much for your help. Hopefully I will sort this first grow out and at least get to flowering if not harvest. Then Ill know what to do for the second grow!