Botrytis on blackberries surrounding plants


Active Member
I found some Botrytis on a couple of blackberries bushes that are near my plants and a tiny bit on some of the bud (which i have since removed) anyone any idea how i could trim away at the berry bushes without sending spores flying all over the place? i thought about maybe covering the bushes over with some type of camo sheeting instead,would have to be camo so the whirlybirds don't spot anything.



Active Member
For future reference, I'm not sure what methods you may have already applied, but there are many things that can be added to a foliar spray that will help to prevent many common plagues that you'll run into while outdoors. Neem oil is good for keeping bugs away during veg and I believe it may also protect against botrytis. Milk and water prevents mold and rot and so on. Check around the organic section there's lots of great info to help you in the future.


Active Member
Ive covered the big bushes up with heavy wool sheets (dyed green) and given the other surrounding berry sprouts a good trim,fuck it was pissing it down when i went there tonight,DAMN YOU AND YOU RAIN ENGLAND!!