Bottom Leaf Damage


Basically 3 months ago i got bored after finding a seed in some dank i got and threw it in a pot with soil and nutrients and what not. Then after a week I saw it had actually started to grow... Then i got on forums and started reading about lights and everything... Then I got it on a 18/6 schedule up until a week ago... Now its on 12/12 for flowering.

My problem is, the bottom sets of leaves are drooping. They are turning darker green and drooping a little and don't seem to be supporting themselves very well.

Advanced apologies if this is in the wrong forum and the information given is not good enough. Tell me what you need to know to diagnose it and i will try to get that info.



<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a>

The leaves seem to be dropping and not fanning out.

It's under a 120w warm fluorescent light.

I water it when ever the top soil gets dry.

I put 1tsp colorburst flowering plant food 15-30-15 in it about a week ago before watering. I mixed it in the soil about 3 inches deep.
If u want higher yield get a daylight cfl in the 6500k spectrum and keep ur 18/6 till shes 1 1/2 tall. THEN use warm color to flower, assuming its a she.


That right there is your problem, when you do that to the soil you feed uneven you have probally chemically burned those bottom leaves I would flush your plant with water and then flush that shit down the toilet get you some peters bloom food or something that tells you how to mix it per gallon and feed it gradually till you get to full stregnth nutes. Check your soil's pH I bet is acidic as hell.
Ya that nutrients was to high for that babe, fox farms is good fert kinda expensive but really organic and they got a nice week by week feeding chart.


It's been growing for about 5 months. It's been through hell and back and is still standing. The talk about PH and all that is definitely out of my league. I have no clue about those things. This all started out of pure boredom and I'm just starting to read information on it and get serious...


It's been growing for about 5 months. It's been through hell and back and is still standing. The talk about PH and all that is definitely out of my league. I have no clue about those things. This all started out of pure boredom and I'm just starting to read information on it and get serious...
Ok we have all been there, maybe not quite there, but close. Has it shown signs of sex if not I wouldnt kill it use it as your guinea pig and start another seed. practice new shit on this 5 month old dwarf and see how it reacts then do it to your new plant there isnt much to understand on pH go get a meter and it tells you the value. There is no in between in growing either you want or dont bro.:bigjoint:
Its good to know u want to know more and help it get a simple ph test kit max 10bucks it comes with a vial and dropper with green stuff in it tomix with ur planting water in vial. the mix changes color to tell u ph of water.


It has long ass white hairs coming out from all over the plant. From what I have read and seen pictures of... It's a female.

I really do want to gain more knowledge on everything and start doing it the correct way.

I just want to do it to be able to smoke something I grew. It's badass!


Are you getting yellowing in the leaves? It's kinda hard to tell in the image, what was camera blur and was actual coloring and all.

If so, I'd say she may not be getting enough nitrogen.


There are very small spots of yellow at the tip of the middle leaves.

And it was a cellphone camera which sucks!



These are the lights they are under. The two lower ones are equivalent to 60 watts and the top ones are the 120 watt equivalents.