Bottom leafs turning yellow then dying?? HELP plz :)


Active Member
Hey guys

got a small tent with a few autos n small plant going , for some reason my leafs r turning yelling n dying

using biobizz soil


Root Juice
Bio Grow
Bio Bloom
Bud Candy
Top max

lights on 18 n 6
temp is about 86 to 92 depending,
humidity is a steady 40

any suggestions plz? ill even post some pic :)



Well-Known Member
The one in the pot is rootbound and the ph has drifted. The little one is overwatered, put some holes in the bottom and reduce watering. And its too hot for both , get it below 80. If you cant then run the lights 12/12 as thats far too hot .


Active Member
so i should transplant the small ones into a bigger pot and figure out a way to keep the tent cooler? ...


Well-Known Member
my plants was allmost rootbound after 3 weeks in a 1 gallon pot .. dont think it would hurt to get some nice 3 gallon plastick pots/buckets with some nice drain holes .. if you do it carefully they wont loose much time (a day or two) and Im sure it would od em good (Im no expert .. specialy not with autos and I know you usealy schouldnt replant autos .. but mine look so much better after a few days in bigger pots .. with fresh soil ..

but reason why I postet was actualy to comment on your temps !!!

damn it and I was thinking I had problems with my 80-84F sumtimes 86 nearest my HPS...


Active Member
ya my temp is way too hot, im waiting for these autos to be finished,

then im starting about 25 clones but my set up is going to be way better..

im either going with 2 400 or 2 600 watts in the cool tube, with good ventilation,

was going to to stick with the biobizz cuz i got bunch of it left but the feeding schedule they provide u with seems to be wrong from what i read????

in a 4 x 8 tent , im actually gunna invest the money n time in to the next so any suggestions any one has id really appreciated

any good growing books i could pick up ?


Well-Known Member
with my 1 cycle experience I think I can tell you that this yellowing is a normal thing , with my 6 plants it never stopped, the plants grew way faster for the yellowing to ever get past the lowest node .


Well-Known Member
I also use biobizz (light mix) and ther is`t many nutriens in it ..

I did`t know what to expect .. so I did wait like 3 weeks to begin feeding them .. way to long time ..

schould have startet slowly after a week so I would have been on full nutriens after 3 weeks ..

also .. the micro I got (I use GH) is great .. they need more then just NPK to look realy good and grow fast (found this Lucas Fomular that seems to work great)

try to visit my fist thread:

I bet you can learn a thing or two as I just had most of your problems and stuff to deal with ..
plus some you might bump in to ..

and I build a grow room as well .. ther some pictures and stuff .. might be an inspiration to you and give you some idea`s


Active Member
wow thanks man im reading right now

looks like i got more research to do :)

im gunna look at the GH with i go to the grow store this weekend,



Active Member
i took a look into the GH nutients the flora serious?

Can i use this with my biobizz or is it a whole nutrient on its own

pretty new .. think im gunna transplant my other ones into 3 galleon buckets.. before the yellowing everytihng was working fine,..

im looking forward to the next grow as this one has been a learning curve and a bit of challenge..


Well-Known Member
well if you dont use any or have any nutriens .. you schould buy/get some asap.

its completly up to you what to use .. some like organic .. dunno if they are easy to controle ? some say so ..

I just use GH more or less by accident .. needed some easy to use nuts for my fist grow so the chance of me f****** up would be less ..

but if you dont mind and just want sumthing that is easy to work with untill you get more used to growing and know what you want and like ..
then I can reccoment GH and the Lucas Fomular for sure ..

you just need to bottels ... Micro and bloom .. micro have enough N so no need for the grow bottel .. cut down prices a 1/3 aswell ..
and is easy to use ..

(3ml micro and 6ml bloom per gallon if you want to add nuts to evry watering .. or 5/10 for Veg and 8/16 for flowering if you want to add nuts evry seccon/tird time you water .. I use the 3/6 and it works great .. schould work for all grow .. but look it up "Lucas Fomular" as ther is a few diffrent once that vary a littel bit .. use the one that suit you ..

but basecily its two bottels .. half a cap of micro and 1 cap of bloom for my 2 gallon water pitcher ..

easy and cheap .. tho also got the Rip for late flowering .. but you can look that up in time (last two weeks)
I payd sumthing like 20-25$ for them two bottels (1 liters) I wont even use half on my two big plants .. Im sure I have for next grow atlest ..