Bottom leaves are dead.


I have plants outside that are really close together like 3 inches apart.
They are 1 and a half months old and they are less than 1 ft tall.

The bottom leaves were turning yellow/brown so I gave them nutes.
The next day the bottom leaves were completely brown and falling off.

should i give more nutes or what?

JoNny Pot sMokeR

Active Member
no nutes dude how much did you give them. they are probably root bound and strangling each other. you need to water them with straight water and try to get them seperated. what kind of soil are you using. Usualy when OD plants have the bottom leaves yellowing its because they are over watered.


no nutes dude how much did you give them. they are probably root bound and strangling each other. you need to water them with straight water and try to get them seperated. what kind of soil are you using. Usualy when OD plants have the bottom leaves yellowing its because they are over watered.
jungle growth soil
i cant really separate them because they are so close it would kill them if i tried to dig them up.


Well-Known Member
i doubt that... it might shock them pretty good, and slow down growth, but it probably wont kill them as long as you leave enough of a rootmass it can sustain the plant for a few days untill it can regrow some roots.
i grow small plants, sog style. i prune the ever living shit out of my roots when i have to transplant, havent lost one yet.

trichlone fiend

New Member
i doubt that... it might shock them pretty good, and slow down growth, but it probably wont kill them as long as you leave enough of a rootmass it can sustain the plant for a few days untill it can regrow some roots.
i grow small plants, sog style. i prune the ever living shit out of my roots when i have to transplant, havent lost one yet.

...I 2nd that.:bigjoint:


You gave them nutes-They got worse, why would you consider giving them more nutes? It's counter-intuitive.


You gave them nutes-They got worse, why would you consider giving them more nutes? It's counter-intuitive.
i forgot to mention
the leaves were a little yellow before the nutes
after the nutes they got a little bit greener but made the bottom leaves worse :/