bottom leaves are starting to turn yellow n pale


Resampled_2012-07-25_10-38-47_905.jpgmy plant is now about 33inchs tall and i was wondering if anyone could estimate how much longer it would it. i found out its a female too


Well-Known Member
And how did you come to the conclusion it's a female?

Generally, flowering time go from 8-10 weeks. So once she's starts showing start counting down the weeks.


wait until the trichs are around %50-%80 milky. and then flush for 5-7 days. this is the standard. you don't want the trichs to go amber....this is the sign of thc decay! happy trails


Well-Known Member
And how did you come to the conclusion it's a female?

Generally, flowering time go from 8-10 weeks. So once she's starts showing start counting down the weeks.
mine started showing the end of last month. does this mean i should expect to harvest the end of august? no!! so quit giving bad advice


Well-Known Member
wait until the trichs are around %50-%80 milky. and then flush for 5-7 days. this is the standard. you don't want the trichs to go amber....this is the sign of thc decay! happy trails
since when do amber trichs mean thc decay.....this thread is full of terrible advice


Active Member
When my leafs droop it's a sign they need watering, lol

Wait until half the trichomes turn amber if you want a heavy stone (esp for indica strains), harvesting sooner will yield more of a head stone (ie sativa), there is a point where degradation occurs so you want to check them regular during that window.