Bottom leaves dieing


have 18 week old plants,nearly all on the bottom half of the leaves have dryed up and fallen off,dose this normally happen with plants this old or whats the crack??
any help would be appreciated
thanks fellow stoners


Active Member
some times common,I dont notice it much as I pul them out. They call it lollipoping.I recommend it as them bottomg ones only give bucket but for desperate times.they eating for nothing when other parts need it IMO Some wil disagree but thats just my opinion. Be sure to get em up as they go moldy 18week,you flowering yet? Id say dont worry and pull the rest of them off. search is not to good but look for lollipoping. I think it basicly not enough light down there.


need more detailes.but seems like you need more N. you dont want to lose leaves like that .lollipopping a healthy plant is differnt than leaves dropping off a unhealthy plant due to deficiencys


hmm more detailes,there 3 ak48s,the girls have been flowering for 3 weeks now,there in soil mixed in are other nutes,and im feeding them 4-2-6 plant food,i know i need higher than that but its all i can get,there under 250watt cfl,i put a fan at the bottom leaves,i dono if this will help,prop not going by your replys,cant think of any more info
thanks guys


Active Member
ak48 056.jpg

based on my experience growing AK48's they seem to shed thier lower fan leaves (and ones that dont get much light) as they get closer to harvest, as you can see in this pic of my AK48's most of the lower fan leaves are gone (pic = 32days from the 12/12 flip), and I assure you that they are not low on Nitrogen as I feed on ever watering and my tops are still dark green. If the tops look good and green and the buds are forming nicely I wouldnt worry about it, I have also had other strains that tend to lose the lower fan leave after a month of flowering. You do need to get a better fertilizer, something higher in "P" and lower in "N" , i use Fox Farms Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom



Fuck man nice plants,rite ok thanks for the info, basically im going ok?should i trim the stalks at the very bottom or just leave them be?
would getting better nutes relay make a difference to harvest?
my girls are 120cm now,could you give me an idea oh how much bud i could be getting?, probably hard to answer with out looking.
Thanks very much guys,il spark 1 of each of ye


Active Member
No way I can tell how much you will yeild, but it sounds like your plants are really big (120cm = about 47 inches) and you say you only have 250w of CFL and threee plants this are they really streched out, that doesnt seem like enough light for three plants that size. Yes using a fertilizer that is more for flowering/budding plants would help your buds increase in size and weight, I am just wondering if these are so streched out that you might end up with a bunch of small popcorn buds instead of thick cola buds:). I trim alot of lower limbs and areas that dont usally produce much bud about a week before flowering and then again after they have strech a bit due to flowering, but I dont like to trim after they start growing buds, as this will cause a delay in finishing time and can stress plants. If you could post some pics of these ladies maybe I could give you more info. Good luck and enjoy the smoke



Well-Known Member
Did you let them dry to the point of starting to become droopy? That'll cause the leaves to die and drop off, a few days after the plant has been watered and has recovered, especially during flowering.


thanks for all the info man relay helpn,hmm pop corn buds dont sound good at all.i think il trim a few at the very bottom,no way will they bud.would you recommend any brand of nutes? just took the pics there,should have them up soon
thanks again man


New Member
View attachment 1523283

based on my experience growing AK48's they seem to shed thier lower fan leaves (and ones that dont get much light) as they get closer to harvest, as you can see in this pic of my AK48's most of the lower fan leaves are gone (pic = 32days from the 12/12 flip), and I assure you that they are not low on Nitrogen as I feed on ever watering and my tops are still dark green. If the tops look good and green and the buds are forming nicely I wouldnt worry about it, I have also had other strains that tend to lose the lower fan leave after a month of flowering. You do need to get a better fertilizer, something higher in "P" and lower in "N" , i use Fox Farms Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom

i was goin to say tho i never grew AK wouldnt he be close to half way done being his nute regiment isnt strong thus plant could be takin what ever nutrients it can from lower leafs ???

Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
Did you let them dry to the point of starting to become droopy? That'll cause the leaves to die and drop off, a few days after the plant has been watered and has recovered, especially during flowering.
Where did this info come from? I'd like to know more.


Well-Known Member
Where did this info come from? I'd like to know more.

Personal experience, I've done it quite a few times, recently, even. I've found that the worse they are allowed to get(droopy), the worse the die-off, afterwards. I've had a really bad droop, about 5 grows ago, and lost almost every single fan leave, 4-7 days after they recovered. I'm not sure of the exact science behind it, but my theory, is that the plant sheds them in an attempt to save itself, preserving the uppermost sections. The lower fan leaves alway go first, and the worse the droop, the farther up the plant, the die-off will progress. Also, it seems to be alot more pronounced, in flowering, as opposed to veg.


yeah it rely took off when i put them into flowering,i rely fuckn hope it stops but doesn't show any signs of stopping,the top half's are healthy as can be so its not all bad,id say you could be right with your theory,first i was thinking its because there not getting enough light or the fan wasn't blowing enough air or some,just dont know rely,could be all factors


Active Member
Looked at your pic (FYI rotate pics b4 neck hurts..LOL) Did you cut anything off the plant while in veg, the pics look as if the plant has no limbs just the main stalk. They also look a bit streched out and that is from lack of light, I am sure your leaf issue is from lack of light as the rest of the plant looks ok. You can clean up some of that lower growth as its not going to produce any real buds, but it will continue to steal your plants food and water....remember trimming anything now might prolong finishing time and cause some stress (if it was me I would do it) Mine always lose the lower fan leafs and such once the canopy blocks the light from getting to the bottom leaves, it happen on the Barney Farms LSD too. You really need to add some lighting, maybe some more CLF's for side lighting would help these ladies fill out some. FYI you can post pics here, click on the square icon (insert image) in the post/reply field, just remember to rotate pics first so they arent sideways and upload pics before typing your text......otherwise you pics will be scattered in the text. Hope this helps and good luck, keep me informed on how it turns out as I am planing harvest about 4-20:) I have a journal on the AK48's going right now and will update again next week with some new pics....:)




thanks man rely helped alot,no i didn't cut any thing off them at all.i topped the 1 with the 4 main stalks.yeah il throw in a few clfs tomorrow .would it matter to the leaves if the plant wasnt geting enough air movement??yeah i want to grow LSD on ,y next grow,well plant is LSD lemon skunk an some sorta haze.ahh alrite haha thanks man,il rotate them pics 4 ya to,il keep you up dated if you keep me up to date with ur grow man,thanks again man,happy token