Bottom Leaves of Young Plant Yellowing


Well-Known Member
I have a small plant in a 16 oz. party cup (temporary for a couple more weeks) that is probably about 6-8" tall from the rim of the cup. It's probably about a month or so old, maybe a bit more. It's in Scotts Potting Soil and growing outside (I live in southern Illinois: perfect growing climate right now) for the time being until I move into college and can put it in a stealth box I recently built. I water it until the soil is sufficiently moist (drain holes in bottom of cup) and then I mist the leaves, both of which I do every day. Everything has looked absolutely great up until yesterday, when I noticed the bottom 2 or 3 leaves on the stem, which aren't even mature leaves (only have like 3 fingers) are yellowing significantly. I then noticed today that they were starting to get tiny brown spots as well as if they will die. The rest of the leaves above these few, which is definitely the majority of them, are perfectly fine for the moment and look good. So I guess my question is will these yellowing leaves eventually just fall off because they are destined to die as the plant matures, or is there some sort of problem? I'll give an update on the status of the plant tomorrow and I will post a pic if most of you deem it absolutely necessary after reading this over. Thanks


Well-Known Member
Hey red. Lets see, you have a plant in a sixteen oz cup that is 6" to 8" above the cup. Why? Get it into something bigger now!! Cut those bottom leaves off, if they are yellowing they will not recover. If you don't get it into something bigger, they plant will likely not recover either. It will get root bound and die. Balls in your court. VV


Well-Known Member
Been in the same pot for 4 weeks? It's run out of Nitrogen - either feed it or repot it.


Active Member
You water and mist every day?

That's too much! Only water when the soil is dry. (you should be able to stick your finger an inch deep into the soil and have it be dry - not moist!)


Well-Known Member
Same situation today, only the bottom leaves obviously looked a bit worse and the leaves above them continue to grow perfectly. I almost think I should put a pic up for you guys because it's as if only one small portion of the plant is responding to everything I'm doing negatively. I may cut back on the watering if more people concur, but I've seen no reason to thus far at all as it's regularly in the mid 90's every day and the soil is quite dry every time I check the plant. The water drains quite efficiently out of the bottom, even immediately after watering (the cup's in a hole in the ground). Let me know if you guys need a pic, but if the bottom two leaves are the only ones that look bad AT ALL, and they are old leaves anyway, should I really be 100% concerned that there is a problem? Oh, I'll probably transplant tomorrow by the way. The only reason I've left it in the cup is because my situation is tense right now in growing it because I can't bring it inside until I move out of my parent's place and into my house at college. Thanks for the help though, guys...


Well-Known Member
Im having the exact same problem. Im watching my plant like a hawk. So far i've read it could be a Nitrogen Defiency. I'll let you know if i come up with a cure.


Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Like Franky said. You are watering the plant to much. It never has anytime to get air down in the roots so it can breath. It is much easier to save a plant from under water, then to try and save it from over watering.

Also, only 6"-8" tall in 30 day? Something is wrong for sure.

Here is a picture of a 25 day old plant I have. But I am not useing soil. This set up cost $50 complete ready to use, Nuts and grow medium and all.. MINUS the light.



Well-Known Member
I must admit guys, I've been very generalized on my plant height and time frames. Just guesses, as I didn't record anything. I could actually measure the plant, but then I'm not 100% sure of how long it's been in existence. I'll just water a bit less and transplant it. I'm not worried at all by any means, that's not the reason I posted this thread. I was just curious about these couple leaves. The plant, as a whole, seems quite healthy.


Well-Known Member
those baby leaves are supposed to yellow, die and fall off its fine unless it continues up the plant to higher leaves. just watch it for awhile and see what happens if it continues then you have a problem.


Well-Known Member
That's kind of what I suspected, budman, but I'll transplant anyway. I probably shouldn't have even posted anything.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member

I need to ask you. Did you read all of this Thread. or just part it. I am thinking you did not read it all. Like I do a lot of the TIME.


Well-Known Member
Also, only 6"-8" tall in 30 day? Something is wrong for sure.

Here is a picture of a 25 day old plant I have. But I am not useing soil. This set up cost $50 complete ready to use, Nuts and grow medium and all.. MINUS the light.
Plants always grow faster in hydro than soil - you can't compare the growth rates between the two.


Well-Known Member
those baby leaves are supposed to yellow, die and fall off its fine unless it continues up the plant to higher leaves. just watch it for awhile and see what happens if it continues then you have a problem.
You clearly can't differentiate between Cotyledon leaves and 3 fingered ones.


Well-Known Member
nah it can never hurt to post ur question and see what other people think, its always good to get a second opinion


Well-Known Member
its called KISS (keep it simple stupid) too many new growers look at things like this (yellowing leaves on the bottom) and think o my god my plants dieing when in all reality it could be just the plant going through its cycle. as a plant ages the baby leaves wither and die. telling him its a N deficiency or its overwatering, or needs transplanted thats all good suggestions but at this point you cant tell what it needs which is why in my post i said i would wait and see if it worsened. you cant just try and fix every solution right away cuz if you do and you diagnosed it wrong then u will be making it even worse, thats my point.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Budman, this is not my first rodeo.
I know that soil and hydro have different growth rates. I was just trying to show him a different way to grow, that does not cost very much.

If I only got 6" of growth in 30 days time in soil. I would never grow in soil at all.

I still think his plant would grow a lot better if he did not water it everyday.