bottom leaves turning brown befor flowering?


my plant is small and i noticed the bottom leaves are turning brown and crispy is that normal because my other leaves are green and appear to be healthy?


Active Member
have you been applying nutes. looks like nute burn to me. did you start witha 1/4 strength and work your way up or did you go right to full strength?


Active Member
yup they need some nutes they are probly starving. Start at 1/4 or 1/3 and work your way to full.
what kind of soil are you useing?
how old are they?


my plant is about a month old i wa gunna flower it next week because i only want a small plant and it is already mature enough and yeah all i had was MG but it has alot of nuets in the soil so u think if i go buy some and feed it it will turn more brown? and isnt it normal for bottom leaves to fall off?


Active Member
Mg soil has slo release nutes so it is a good posibility you might burn the plant some more. You can buy some fertilizer and start at 1/4 strength and work your way to full strength to see how the plant reacts to the feeding. since your gonna bloom soon get some bloom nutes. The plant will double maybe triple in size during flowering.The leaves on the botton you mean the seedling leaves yes the usually die off.

Have you been checking your ph??