Bottom leaves turning yellow ( Help)


Well-Known Member

For some reason my Bottom leaves turning yellow and dying so ive been pulling them off the rest of the plant looks good any clue why? There was more then what is in the pic but i pulled them off.


Well-Known Member
first of all you got nice plants right there....looks like they re still in veg stage ? and did you feed them any nutrients yet? more information will be much appreciate :)


Well-Known Member
Well they just started to get hairs i was feeding them 9-2-1 now i switched to 15-30-15 i planted them on june first i feed them every 4 days


Well-Known Member
Add some (N) that'll clear up the yellowing. I keep feeding my hungry strains (N) up until week 5 or 6. Your plans look great btw!


Well-Known Member

Seems to be getting worse and working its way up the plant i dont see how it could be N cause i feed it every 4 to 5 days. maybe cause the lower half of the plant dont get light ? seems to be the only plant i have doing this to so


Well-Known Member
Are the tips of the yellowing leaves starting to brown, dry and crisp and dye? it slowly prgressing its way up. sounds like nute burn, ids say flush it real good and dont feed for a week.


Well-Known Member
but serisously by the pics man they look perfectly fine,, the yellowing is probly cause they get no light, and they dont seems to be dying just, yellowing.


Well-Known Member
Are the tips of the yellowing leaves starting to brown, dry and crisp and dye? it slowly prgressing its way up. sounds like nute burn, ids say flush it real good and dont feed for a week.
yes that is what happening will it stop or kill my plant? i flushed it out


Well-Known Member
im pretty sure ur plants are jus goin into flower and ur plants are taking in the nutes from the fan leaves causing them to turn yellow :D


Well-Known Member
yes that is what happening will it stop or kill my plant? i flushed it out
hey how its going for your plants now? did leach is worked ? and im wondering if you did use cal-mag ? because my previous plants have serious def isssues and i dont use ph meter till now i do and cal mag seems work good as well...just thought to help ya out. Hope your plants will alrighty...but no question your plants looks amazing :)


Active Member
your plants are healthy enough to recover from this.

first step, check your soil ph levels make sure its around or just below 7 (ph effects the plants ability to take in certain nutes and is often misdiagnosed as nute dissorder) also check the ph of your nutrient solution, and the ph of the water runoff after it comes out of the pot again you want these to be at or just below 7

check the water you use, make sure there arent high levels of contaminates like chlorine, flouride, sulfer, salt, and other things. this can easily cause symptoms like yours after a time as the contaminates build up in the soil and cause nute lock.

if ph is good, it could easily be nutrient lock from overfertilization flush your plant with light nutrient solution (just barely any nutes) to get rid of excess nutrients

if all of that is not the problem, then it could be a mobile nutrient difficency. mobile nutrients are nutrients that move to where they are needed in the plant, mainly to new growing shoots, if they are deficient then the older lower fan leaves are the first to go. the big mobile nutrient is one the plant uses most often Nitrogen. others include phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, zinc, and a few trace elements, which nutrient is deficient can be determined with close inspection of the yellowing leaf and the traits it shows.

all that said, in late fall when plants are flowering it is normal for the fan leaves to yellow and fall. think about the trees in autum when their leaves change color and fall off. cannabis reacts to autum in a similar way.

good luck


Well-Known Member
This isnt happening to my other plants so i was kinda triping the top looks healthy just the bottom 6 inches or so ive lost about 15 leaves in 6 days they were the older leaves. kinda started after i went with the MG bloom booster 15-30-15. But it does look like new leaves are starting to come out were the old ones died.

Izoc666 i havent used any Cal-Mag what would u recomend?


Well-Known Member
Well i flushed it out dont seem like the yellowing is effecting the health of my plant seems to be still growing strong


have you been watering the plants till you get a nice amount of runoff out the bottom ? could be lockout caused by salts and other nutrients building up in the soil. As well, on the other hand it could be that you are just giving too much nutrients, too often ! Try watering a few times without nutrients...or back it off to 1/4 strength and see what happens !


Well-Known Member
im pretty sure ur plants are jus goin into flower and ur plants are taking in the nutes from the fan leaves causing them to turn yellow :D
id bet my money on this being the case... every year around this time a bunch of people start postin threads like this and 9 times out of 10 its because of what 420tycoon said.


Well-Known Member

Well bottom leaves are still dying but top looks good seems like there is no stop to it everyday more yellow and die so idk i must have pulled over 20 leaves off the bottom so far that have died
Why does hydro get such a bad rep? I can just check my EC to re-assure me on things like over nutes. Looking great though!

You lollypopped them? Is that all? Tidy looking.
This isnt happening to my other plants so i was kinda triping the top looks healthy just the bottom 6 inches or so ive lost about 15 leaves in 6 days they were the older leaves. kinda started after i went with the MG bloom booster 15-30-15. But it does look like new leaves are starting to come out were the old ones died.

Izoc666 i havent used any Cal-Mag what would u recomend?
I had the same problem when I started using MG bloom booster on my plants as well, I am using it once a week along with molasses but I have tried flushing and just straight water and my big fan leaves keep turning yellow but my buds are swelling up so I don't know how I should feel here..


Well-Known Member
I had the same problem when I started using MG bloom booster on my plants as well, I am using it once a week along with molasses but I have tried flushing and just straight water and my big fan leaves keep turning yellow but my buds are swelling up so I don't know how I should feel here..

Well my just started to pre flower so im tripping lol