Bottom leaves turning yellow...


Active Member
I'm in week 5 of my first time growing and my bottom leaves, the singles and triple leaves are starting o turn yellow.

i'm not sure if its nitrogen deficiency or phosphorus. what should i do?



Active Member
it could be neither..after a while, the bottom leaves will eventually die off

it must be that time


Active Member
You need more nitrogen. It's not flowering for five weeks. It's been vegging for five weeks. Also...looks like you need to put the light closer. Your branches nodes aren't very close together.


Active Member
i would wait another week or two before you start the nutes.

you can also start testing now by doing a 20%-30% strength nute solution.

just an idea


Just some idiot
Feed it, don't overdue it but it needs food, and a bigger pot like they said. Closer light, like they said and your golden.


Well-Known Member
Change that little pot for something larger. I guarantee the plants are root bound. Re-pot them in bigger pots and give it a small dose of nitrogen with your regular watering schedule. :D


Well-Known Member
Thanks for this post. I have a 2 week old good bagseed child. The bottom 2 leafs are turning yellow and didn't know if I had a lighting issue. I see it every 2 days or so. But again, thanks. I'll post pics in the future.

Happy Tokin'. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
First things first get yor light near to your plants they look realy leggy not enoughth light bro.The second thing is has the plant gets more into its flowering mode th bottom leaves will turn yellow don't pick them off untill they are full y yellow also flush your plants once a week the harder you work the better the rewards flush with just water5.5ph and if you get this happening early in the flowering period just lower the ammount of feed just for a few days till plants recover.


Active Member
one of mine is doin the same iam gonna add alittle more nutes and see if it helps,you should try the same,or it could just be that time
nice plants mate mine is going the same as yours but ive got a little fucked up one lol its growing the same as my bigger one but its only 3in tall and its 6weeks and 3days bang on i fink its a retard its a little girl


Well-Known Member
outdoor plants get very large and are forced to loose their leafs, i had it last year, they just dont get enough light to feed the plant, so the plant uses it for nutes instead.