Bottom leaves with necrosis and yellow spots, please help


My bottom leaves are very bad, signs of necrosis and yellow or light green all over it.

I checked a lot of posts about nutes defs but can't understand what is wrong, need some help please!

It's on dirt with no perlite, couldn't find it here, I put by mistake a 09-45-15 peters and after signs of nute burn (tips curling up) I flushed it a little and it got severed overwatered, after that it's being 3 days with no water, the top is almost dry but the bottom is wet.

Is this only overwater/wet feet or is anything wrong with it? I checked the leaves for bugs signs and couldn't find anything.
I know the pot is small for it, will replant in a few days, but don't know if it's ok to replant when sick.


Thanks in advance folks!

Po boy

Well-Known Member
looks like nute burn. flush it really well and leave it alone for about a week. the new growth looks ok so i think you'll be ok. mark it down on the list of dumb mistakes. my list is realllly long! GL
Thank you very much, both you!

My mistakes list is getting long, but learning every day :)

I will keep watering it very little and no nutes at all for a week and then start very slow.


Active Member
With nute burn the leaves always look like a claw for some reson, how long has it been in the soil its in? Only reson I ask is the nutes that come in soil will normaly last 4-6weeks before needing any nutes added. Another thing to keep in mind is no two grows are or will be the same so what will work for others may not work for u, keep at it coz its alot to take in at first but you'll get there' take it easy scunk
Hi scunk, it borned in this soil, maybe 5 weeks now, i will keep it with only water for a few weeks and only nute when it needs, maybe when the leaves got light green. Thanks for the help.