Bottom of leaves and stem are extremly pruple tops are turning purple

My plant is only a couple weeks old and the bottom of the leaves, the stem, and parts of the top are purple/turning purple what do i do?

Brick Top

New Member
Without having much to go on I would say there is a possibility that your plants are suffering from a Phosphorus deficiency, either because of an actual deficiency or due to pH lockout or temperatures dropping to or below 50 degrees F.
How do i fix this? I don't wanna give it nutes yet cause from what ive read it will damage it and possibly kill it when its this young but im new at growing so looking for advice

Brick Top

New Member
How do i fix this? I don't wanna give it nutes yet cause from what ive read it will damage it and possibly kill it when its this young but im new at growing so looking for advice
Process of elimination .... find which of the possibilities might be causing it .. and if none .. then it is something else.

Check your pH and make sure it is in the proper range. If not, then it would likely at least be in part a pH lockout problem.

Are your temperatures dropping down to 50 degrees F. or not? If so, that could do it. If not, that's not the problem.

You said your plants are; "a couple weeks old." Does that mean two weeks of or a way of saying three or four, as in they aren't very old yet? They might need a light feeding.

And here's another one that could be the problem, especially with young plants ... and if you are new or at least somewhat new to growing. A bad enough nitrogen deficiency can cause purple discoloration along with yellowing leaves. If you have both it could be that and where the young plants and possible lack of experience would play into things is waterlogged soil and soil with low organic matter can, and at times will, cause a nitrogen lockout problem. Possibly you are killing your babies with kindness and over-watering them. Do you let the soil dry out pretty much between watering your plants or do you like to be sweet to your plants and keep things nice and moist for them?

Brick Top

New Member
Could also be the strain. Many very healthy plants have purple streaks in the stems.
The plant is only a couple weeks old and it is not only in the stems, it is the top of the plant turning purple too.

If the plant were older I would say that could be a possibility, but remember what was said; "My plant is only a couple weeks old and the bottom of the leaves, the stem, and parts of the top are purple/turning purple." The plant is only a couple weeks old and it is not only in the stems, it is the top of the plant turning purple too. The odds of that being genetic are extremely slim.


Active Member
Had the same problem with the start of this grow turned out to be a magnesium def. You just add 1 teaspoon of Epsom salt per gallon of water, but like Brick said make sure your ph is in the right range
I think its the waterlogged issue im letting it dry out to see if it is the water, the tops have stopped turning purple however the bottoms are still entirely purple and the tops are all yellowing. Theres new growth though, four new leaves have come out. Im hoping its just the water issue. Thanks for all the advice ill keep updating


Well-Known Member
Yea, A Hygrometer with a max temp recording would help find out if it was temps.
But if his temps were that low wouldn't you think the thread would be titled "my seeds wont grow"
Leaves are still yellowish but now there are several brown spots on one of the large leaves, i havent watered for over a day and a half, i put it in my room which should be warmer any advice?

Brick Top

New Member
Yea, A Hygrometer with a max temp recording would help find out if it was temps.
But if his temps were that low wouldn't you think the thread would be titled "my seeds wont grow"
Since his plants were already a couple weeks old or so they would be past the stage of being seeds that wouldn't sprout and grow and there is nothing saying he had as cold of conditions when he started, that is IF it is cold temperature related.

Brick Top

New Member
Leaves are still yellowish but now there are several brown spots on one of the large leaves, i havent watered for over a day and a half, i put it in my room which should be warmer any advice?

More information would be a real help. What size pots are you growing in? What is your growing medium made up of? What's your pH level? Do the spots look something like the pictures below (not counting leaf size, just the necrotic spotting) or are they different. What type of water do you water with? Do you know if it is hard or soft or acidic or alkaline?

Pictures 1-2 shows calcium deficiencies. First one shows late, 2nd one shows early development.

In 5" Jiffy Pots, Scotts soil, no idea what the pH is, i think you forgot to attach the pictures and we use boiled tap water that we let sit out for 24+hours.

Brick Top

New Member
In 5" Jiffy Pots, Scotts soil, no idea what the pH is, i think you forgot to attach the pictures and we use boiled tap water that we let sit out for 24+hours.
I can see the pictures so possibly the difference is in what browser you use. When I switched from Explorer a zillion ads vanished and I started seeing pictures in pots that hadn't been there before. Maybe it is browser related.

I am not saying it is a definite problem but Jiffy Pots are at least 50% sphagnum moss and the pH of most sphagnum moss runs between 3.6 and 4.2 so it is rather acidic so it might be causing a pH problem regardless of your soil.

You might want to consider re-potting into some good sized pots, not small pots, but good sized pots and using some quality soil, preferably organic, that does not contain any slow release chemical nutrients.

You said you used Scotts Soil. Well if that is as in Scotts Super Soil Potting Soil it has slow release fertilizer in it and that is NOT something you want, ever, but especially not with seedlings and young plants. Scotts Super Soil Garden Soil has slow release fertilizer in it too. Scotts Super Soil Garden Amender has slow release fertilizer in it too. I believe only the Scotts Lawn Topping Soil does not have slow release fertilizer in it, though there may be other Scotts products I am unaware of.
My previous replies didnt show up i think. Well anyways the brown/purple leaves have kind of died and i pruned them off but my plant is extremly healthy having extreme new growthhh i think when i flushed it it helped