Bottom, Younger Water Leafs Yellowing and Falling Off? Help Anyone?


i went to check on my flowering female a couple minutes ago and i notices one of the younger water leafs fell off. they have been yellowing slowly the past week, but this is the first to fall off. should i be worried? or is this natural for uneeded leaves to fall off. this is my first grow and im using fox farm ocean forest mix with botanicare line: pro grow, cal-mag, sweet, and seaweed extract.

Truth B Known

Active Member
how far into flower are they?? if they're far into flower and ripe and getting ready then, ya, i've seen it before... if they're early in flower there may be a deficiency of some sort, do you test your water, always check ph, and don't water with icy water, (unless they're almost done)

but ya i pick all my big fan leaves off when they're gettin ripe... then i cut all 'leaves' that you can see a stem, and hang the plants to dry whole


shes 4 weeks into flowering, and i only have ph test drops atm because the local hydro store is out till next week. but the drops show it at a 6.5 after nutes are added. and i keep the water at room temp before watering.
also thank you for repying

Los Muertos

Active Member
I wouldn't worry too much unless it starts progressing. I think losing a leaf or two is natural...always happens to me anyway.