Bough a 600W MH, how many plants can it cover?


This is my first indoor grow.
Im gonna grow Northen Lights x Big Bud.

So i bough one "600W Super HPS", with a "Cool tube" whatever that is.
How many plants can i use this for? and durig wich stages?

Thank you!:)


Well-Known Member
thats up to you ..

there is no real answer to it .. you can grow one hugh plant .. or grow 30 and make a sea of green .. or somewher in between ..
up to you .. and how big plants you want and how long grow time you want ..

but I keep 4 under my 600W HPS cool hood


I wouldn't like to grow more then 4 under a single light .. unless its some kind of Sorg/SoG ..

and about HPS lights .. they provide mostly red/yellow light (2000-3000 Kelvin) and is best for flowering .. but can easily be used from seed to harvest .. tho I like to start mine of under a T5HO with mostly 6500K bulbs


as its cheaper to run and can grow nice small Veg plants .. once they are close to be ready for flowering (12/12) I switch to my HPS .. but don't worry to much .. you can easily do a complete and nice grow only using your HPS .. can always get some CLF/Tubes later on or a MH if your ballast can run it ?


Well-Known Member
600 over a 4x4 space or tent is perfect. 4 plants around 3 feet tall work very well. make sure you have the fans and can filter for odors.. most trouble comes from the smell, even legal, the smell is offense and can be complained about like loud music. good luck!


Well-Known Member
yea I grow on 3x4 feet (900 cm x 1,2M) or so ..

and yes .. make sure you have a nice filter to fit your ventilation (I guess you have a nice 4-6 inch ventilator for your cool tube ?)

as the stink will ! become really bad once they flower ..

sumthing like this:


for a 600W HPS .. even in scandinavia I wouldn't like to go with less then a 5" specially if it have to pull through a cool tube/tubing's
high temperatures can really become a issue ...

I did`t have a cool hood for my 600W this summer and I ended up with temps around 32-34C on hot days :(
even running it at night .. with out a cool hood/tube I had temps raise 5-8C compared to outside/ambi temps now with my coolhood I only experience 1-3C hotter then outside the grow room ..

so now I can keep it at them perfect 27C when I have 24-25C outside (in my appartment .. witch is kind a perfect .. cept on hot summer days .. plan ahead .. veg doing the summer month)