Bought 1000w thunder kit bulb goes off after a min on 1000w setting?


Well-Known Member
bought a new kit online 1000w thunder and I tried unplugging and replugging in the ballast and nothing happens still shuts off seems like as if the bulb is bad it is an mh bulb plantmax.

The ballast has a super hps setting some how when it was put on 1100w it fired right up and ran till I shut it off for an hour??? any ideas what is going on???

bird dog

Well-Known Member
bought a new kit online 1000w thunder and I tried unplugging and replugging in the ballast and nothing happens still shuts off seems like as if the bulb is bad it is an mh bulb plantmax.

The ballast has a super hps setting some how when it was put on 1100w it fired right up and ran till I shut it off for an hour??? any ideas what is going on???
That's a pretty good system and run's upward at $200. My friend has one. The ballast and reflector have like a 5 yr. war. My friend's package included a timer and some hangers too. He had a similar problem and called me over. He was using the wrong settings on the timer (lol). Otherwise, you have a ballast problem. Good luck. Peace


Well-Known Member
idk it seems to be working. and I am sure you would notice the timer not working because the light would rather turn on or not.

this problem was different you plug the ballast in and the bulb would ignite then start to get brighter then go out after 50 seconds . whatever it was it now works on 1000w funny thing is every bulb that was hps so far broke every single one they sent


Well-Known Member
That's a weird problem. Are you running it to the wall or from a surge protector? Also when it happens does it flip your home breaker? On another note it does come with a 5 year warranty. I love my system.