Bought some Marijuana, but it isn't dry.


Active Member
Hello everyone, I am a marijuana noob, only smoked like 6 years ago, and don't know how to prepare it.
I bought it from some dude and he told me it is still wet and I must dry it over the stove and slice it with a scissor, but I am not sure of the methods, and hoped that some of you would be nice to tell me how to do all of that.
The idea is that I don't want to destroy the goodiness of it by missusing it.

Thanks in advance. :D


Well-Known Member
Dont dry it on a stove.
Use of scissors is so that the trics and oils dont get wasted on your fingers.
Hang it up on some string in a cupboard for at least a couple of days if you want the best results:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
The bud is wet, which means that either 1. The bud was taken off the plant rather recently and hasn't had enough time to dry or 2. The bud has been wet intentionally to increase sellable produce. Your situation "sounds" more like it just came off the plant (if it smells really really strong). So take the bud and leave it out, once the outside becomes dry, place it in a jar... then once the moisture has redistributed from the center to the outside edges again, dry it some more out in the open, repeat the process until nugs can be broken up and are of ideal dryness.. ideal in your situation (inexperience) could just mean smokable.


Active Member
Thank you for the info, but the problem is that some friends are coming over, and monday we will start work and stuff, and some of us hav eto go out of the city tommorow for some days.
Isn't there a faster method, something like in one hour? :D And it is just a little wet... btw, I have some small seeds, are they smokeable or what?

durban poison

Well-Known Member
If it's wet and you want to smoke in under an some more but dry! Don't rush the wet bud, like Natmoon says, hang it out to dry and have it in a couple of days.....don't waste it by ovendrying it,'ll reduce the smoke and it'll be harsh! :joint:


Active Member
I wanted to say I smoked only one time, 6 years ago, when I was 16. In Romania is very hard to obtain some marijuana, and it's not so common.

And it costs 20euro one gram. And that is a lot of money when I have a sallary of 300-400 euros.


Active Member
get a cookie sheet and turn the oven on 200 and check every 3-5 minutes and about 10-15 minutes your buds will be dry enjoy man. It might burn alittle bit of the thc out but least your smoking like you want to today!:joint:


Well-Known Member
20 Euros for 1 gram wet with seeds? That is either supply and demand in effect, or you need to punch that guy in the face.


Well-Known Member
Put it in the microwave for 10 seconds exactly then rip the buds apart and leave ind ry place for an hour, some people would sya it destroys it but i asure u it will work fine and will be just as strong.


Well-Known Member
DO NOT DO ANYTHING and wait for some professional replies. If smoke is that scarace the last thing you want todo is cook it on a stove or microwave it.

The bud is wet, which means that either 1. The bud was taken off the plant rather recently and hasn't had enough time to dry or 2. The bud has been wet intentionally to increase sellable produce. Your situation "sounds" more like it just came off the plant (if it smells really really strong). So take the bud and leave it out, once the outside becomes dry, place it in a jar... then once the moisture has redistributed from the center to the outside edges again, dry it some more out in the open, repeat the process until nugs can be broken up and are of ideal dryness.. ideal in your situation (inexperience) could just mean smokable.
IMO This is your answer for best results. How much Mary Jane are we talking here ? You could replace the "JAR" with almost anything that is airtight and clean. Dropping 3 grams in a 1/2 pint mason jar is a bit of an overkill. I have used empty pill bottles when buying wet smoke. As others have stated dont buy wet at the same price you buy cured buds. At least half your weight is lost when drying, around here I have seen as much as 75% of your weight is lost.

Odds are the outside of your bud is dry so you can skip the first step and jump right to the "JARS". Stick around I am sure someone will link to some good curing info. Do not do ANYTHING yet..