Bounce Back Time?

Hey- I'm a brand new grower- still trying to iron out the kinks.

We are growing in an ebb and flow system. Our plants are a few weeks old. We realized that we were under feeding them (due to their very light color and generally sad appearance), and have since corrected the situation. Also, have added Mag to the feed because their appearance suggested a deficiency.

How soon can I expect them to turn around and start showing better color?

Also, we have a few types of plants on the table and only the Casey Jones' leaves are foldy... is this a trait of that strain?

Is twice a day for 12 minutes a good feed time?

So much to learn!!

Thanks for any help at all!!


Well-Known Member
a week to 10 days turnaround for the plants, IDK about Casey Jones, and i water 4 times a day for 15 min