box elder bugs eat mj?!? im scared guys


Well-Known Member
alright, i know i could put this under bugs but general marijuana growing covers it too in my opinion and im not posting one in the bugs forum and on here so i dont think ive done anything wrong but anyway, i been researching box elder beetles and it says they eat plants but never specify if it eats mj so has anyone ever had a problem with emm? their are hundreds of em under the one tree in my yard and on my moms rubarb (its cool with her, if anyone asks she doesnt know about em or i told her they are a new breed of tomatoes). im scared i'll wake up and find em all over my plants.


Well-Known Member
I have box elder trees in my yard and the bugs usually stick to them. I haven't grown MJ around them, but they do not seem to eat any other plants that i have around the trees except for the trees themselves.

So, in other words, I guess I can't really help you. But if I were a betting man, I would bet you will be fine. :) Oh, and I also spent some time looking online and it doesn't appear any has any problems with them.

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
naw use neem oil works wonders for my plants
or if your plant isnt flowering may i suggest a spray of ortho insecticide [dont use after flowering though]
after a spray of ortho your plants are good for 6months from bugs and neem oil is safe for flowering

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
if there is ever a problem with these which i doubt there will cause i did a lil research box elder bugs do prefer the trees that they already munch on you mj should be fine


I've got these fuckers in my indoor garden...

They like to creep into your house when it's cold out. I would imagine they'll go away when it gets warmer. I've seen them crawling on my plants... never eating though. I have come across a couple leaves that looked chewed up. I just kill these fuckers as I come across them and they don't seem to be causing too many problems. I think they only eat the MJ when they are starving... they probably don't prefer it. Hell of a lot better than spider mites.

Neem doesn't seem to stop these guys either... I spray for spider mites and I'll see these guys on the plants a few hours later. Maybe it prevents them from eating it... I don't know. I've sprayed one directly with the neem solution I use and he crawled away unaffected! I like neem though so far... no problems. Mites are gone. Gonna nuke 'em NPS style though for a couple days before flower.



I have a couple just hanging around so far ,after 2 weeks, no harm no foul.They come from the box elder tree and all indications show that they really are only interested in the leaves from that tree .Lets hope!:weed:


Well-Known Member
Meh, I've had them settle and hang out on clones that I put in isolation outside of my room plenty of times. They seem to like the warmth of the light, so they hang out at the top of the plants. Never caused any harm, so I let 'em be.


Well-Known Member
I have a ton of them in my house and on my plants. They don't seem to do anything other than block the light, I can't wait until spring so I can find that damn tree and cut it down.


Well-Known Member
wow, this thread is a blast from the past,lol, this thread must be pushing 2 yrs old thanks everyone who responded still though, ended up never being an issue in the end, just as you all said.


I had tons of the basterds on my mother plants, They dont seem to eat the plants but they sure do shit
all over the leafs. I bought a hotshot and hung near the plants. The bugs decreased by about 95%. Went
from having hundreds to just a few here and there.


Well-Known Member
I had tons of the basterds on my mother plants, They dont seem to eat the plants but they sure do shit
all over the leafs. I bought a hotshot and hung near the plants. The bugs decreased by about 95%. Went
from having hundreds to just a few here and there.
Careful with those Hotshot strips man, that shit will kill you. I won't have that stuff anywhere near my grow. The active ingredient is so toxic that the ONLY legal use in this country is in that product alone, that should tell you something. Ever read the warning on the back?