Boycott Certain Products.


Hi all :-P

This being my first post I wish to talk about the absolute rubbish that is happening within the UK canna community here, a website that claims to be for cannabis users is actually trying to destroy what is the best chance the uk has ever had of getting MMJ on the agenda, from which I am sure recreational use will follow, not wanting to break any house rules one only has to think UK and then 420,to see what is happening there, it is completely unacceptable and its main purpose is to take the wind out the sails of CLeaR (cannabis law reform) and knock any chance of reform back a 20 years.

So like Boycotting Barclays back in the day when apartheid was a then present evil, I would like to see a boycott of all the sponsors who support that site, send the sponsors an email stating that their association with such a site that allows such a vile and counter productive attack against our best chance to date will result in us not buying or even considering or recommending any of their goods.

The canna communtiy UK should be united not this nonsense which stems from jealousy and the inability to set ones own politics aside for the greater good, I think most here will agree that trying to scupper the progress already made and the progress to come is akin to kicking the sticks away from a cripple, here in the UK, sick people are growing in fear, sick people are being prosecuted, sick people have to buy overpriced dealer shit weed, and CLear have made massive steps forward to getting MMJ on its way to legislation.

So please email the sponsors of that site that seeks to harm our best chance ever of being able to grow our lovely herb in peace and serenity and enjoy a better quality of life.

I thank you all for your time in reading this, and all comments welcome.

Mr BigFoot.


Ps. I am a member of the said site, but its actions of late make me ashamed to be a member there.

Hey folks here at rollitup! Sorry to have to say something about this, but the above post is not what it purports to be. Mr Big Foot wants to paint a picture of the cannabis community in the United Kingdom that's not true. I'll tell you some of the back story:

A couple years ago, a bloke called Peter Reynolds came out of the sun, freshly minted, no history. He took over the quaint old 'Legalise Cannabis Alliance', which was in dire need of modernising, and set about changing the brand. The old LCA was relaunched as CLEAR (Cannabis Law Reform.) They began framing Peter Reynolds as a kind of Jack Herer, Marc Emery character, something like 'the voice of a movement'.

But his style was very combative and confrontational, and he made lots of enemies. He estranged many, if not most, of the 'old guard', who had campaigned and even done prison time in protest at the UK's drugs regime. Attention swiftly fell upon his blog, which revealed Mr Reynolds to be extremely right-wing, a racist, misogynist, homophobic, antisemitic, Islamophobe, who most cannabis users would not want representing their interests.

So, some people at the UK 420 forum took Peter Reynolds to task about his politics, and his confrontational, insulting, and even bullying style. They took exception to his censoring any and all dissent within his CLEAR organisation. But instead of deal with these legitimate criticisms, Reynolds claimed he was being bullied, by jealous people, and threatened to report anyone who disagreed with him.

What you see above is a message from Reynolds, either directly or via an emissary, to paint UK420 as a nest of vipers. They aren't, they're just a disparate collection of cannabis growers, most of whom detest racists, bigots, misogynists, etc.

Do drop into UK420, and check out the posts made by PoetPeter, he's Peter Reynolds, and his own words reveal exactly who he is.

But meantime, do take the above post from BigFoot with the contents of a salt mine.
sooo.... you two had a fight on another forum and felt the need to bring it here?
Dude, it's much funnier than that - that's wayyy too limiting! He's had a fight with the whole of the UK, and run off here to moan when he got soundly bitch-slapped by the British cannabis community en masse! This geezer Reynolds picked a fight with pretty much every cannabis user and grower in the UK, and so far he's been exposed everywhere, his name is mud, and he's nowhere left to go. So he's legged it over here to Rollitup to try and stir things up! Doh!!!! Some people need to smoke something...
OP is a fool, and Equaliser is bang on the money. Peter Reynolds is not fit to represent UK cannabis users in the UK.

As for boycotting UK420, fuck that lol. It's the best site for UK growers on the net, and the signal-to-noise ratio, when it comes to growing advice, is very good, moreso than RIU, where everyone claims to be an expert but many are just posers who have no clue. No offense to the guys on here who know the score, but then i'm sure you see the same bad advice on here that I do.

Not meaning to spam, but I recommend uk420 to all UK growers who want to grow better herb, and converse with like-minded people. Some of the best and most intelligent characters I have ever known of, are regular posters on that site.
Dude, it's much funnier than that - that's wayyy too limiting! He's had a fight with the whole of the UK, and run off here to moan when he got soundly bitch-slapped by the British cannabis community en masse! This geezer Reynolds picked a fight with pretty much every cannabis user and grower in the UK, and so far he's been exposed everywhere, his name is mud, and he's nowhere left to go. So he's legged it over here to Rollitup to try and stir things up! Doh!!!! Some people need to smoke something...

Some people should keep their junior high puberty rituals in their own forum. Don't bring this shit here. We have our own assholes to play with.... umm... you know what I mean!
Oh Dear oh dear what a bunch of tossers, this is about getting MMJ made available as a matter of urgency, I dont give a toss if people like or dislike mr reynolds, I give a toss about sick people and also give a toss about getting mj legalised... the above are uk420's who are insane bitter twisted twats... I am not peter reynolds, never was never will be.. and anyone here who has looked at the lengths those jealous fucking twats have gone to, should come back an support a boycott of that sites sponsors,,,

fuck them and fuck them some more., disgusting vile site and true canna activists the world over should see through them... eddie silence needs to repay the fiver he claimed, fucking arseholes.

and I dont wish to bring any fights here thank you very much, I am just making people aware of whats been happening this past year.. and that is PROGRESS.. lots of, and that is what is irking the twats on uk420... jealous little pricks... so a boycott of plant magic is the way to go... stuff is overpriced anyway.

this is the politics forum and this is about uk canna politics... apart from the few above... people are going to see through them, who gives a fuck who leads who as long as they get the results and lead us closer to the goal which most of us, except dealers and scumbags want.

Carne I never invited them here, I am merely trying to say about the state of the uk canna movement and talk about those trying to scupper the best chance we have ever had.

CLear have made loads of progress, they should be applauded for their time and effort not demonised because some dont approve of so and so... so fucking childish.

How quick you are to anger, like most of the Reynolds lackeys who still support him. I'm just a casual observer in this thing, but I am an ardent supporter of UK420, and when your first post is to slur them, and advocate boycotting of the site and their sponsors, I feel the need to step in to support them. That site taught me how to grow, and do it well. It is not an activism site, and should not be confused with one. It's main purpose is to teach people how to grow, regardless of the laws.

As for uk420 wrecking canna politics in the UK, that is a joke. CLEAR and the BMCR was flawed from the start, and Reynolds' inability to take criticism on board was what caused most of this shit in the first place. When you add in his racist, homophobic, and otherwise abhorrent comments from past blog posts, his posting of IP addresses of dissenting voices on his page, and constant threats to call on authorities when he feels backed into a corner, all make him unfit to represent the majority of cannabis users and growers in the uk. If you care for the cause, you should see that it won't advance anywhere with people like Reynolds in the limelight.

Oh yeah, BTW, Plant Magic products are the shit. My plants are healthier than ever since I switched to them. :hump:
Sorry not entering into who is the best crap with you nocturn... this is about getting canna legalised and all I have encountered at uk420 is nothing but shit stirring and trying to knock the movement back, why is that? what have you lot done this past year eh? sweet fuck all, apart from ridiculing disabled people in a vile and uncouth way... you fuckers would kick a cripple, turn off life support machines, scum of the earth in my opinion.

and yes pm products are good, I use them but not any more, I have a moral compass see!

Any one person or small band of people trying to wreck real opportunity will be seen for what they are by the INTER-FUCKING-NATIONAL canna communtiy.. those causing troube are nothing but a bunch of arsewipes who with the permission of the site owner are trying to stand in the way of progress, it will not happen, I may be only one voice now, but have faith in my argument, in fact HISTORY will shame those who today seek to destroy the movement because of their own self interest and greed and ego... fucking twats.

All I am asking people the world over is to go look at the 420 site, then visit the clear site and look at how much effort they have done for the cause, then make their own minds up.
MrBigFoot said:
Sorry not entering into who is the best crap with you nocturn... this is about getting canna legalised and all I have encountered at uk420 is nothing but shit stirring and trying to knock the movement back, why is that?

You say "shit stirring and trying to knock the movement back". Please be more specific. Myself, I have seen legitimate concerns about privacy of data being voiced, and subsequently ignored and shot down, i've seen threats by Reynolds to publish details (IP addresses, emails etc) of people who had disagreed with him on his blog, and to pursue them for hate crimes. This is the same guy who, in a post about Afghanistan, advocated building big impenetrable fortresses, then lobbing nukes around the place, amongs other things. Hate crimes lol.

If you can't see why this guy is poison for the "movement", then you are either deluded, or his kind of guy...

MrBigFoot said:
what have you lot done this past year eh? sweet fuck all, apart from ridiculing disabled people in a vile and uncouth way... you fuckers would kick a cripple, turn off life support machines, scum of the earth in my opinion.

You are mistakenly confusing UK420 for a collective. We aren't. We're just individual growers, with differing opinions. What have "we" done this past year? Grown some top weed, and taught others to do the same. That's about it, as a collective. I can't speak for the individuals though, but I reckon some of them have been activists in one form or another since before you were born.

As for the "vile and uncouth", and "kick a cripple" stuff, there really is no need. I'm actually quite a nice and peaceful guy, and it is wrong of you to tar us all with the same brush because we post on a particular site as others who you may dislike. You, however, seem like a bit of a cunt, based on your outbursts here and at uk420.:p

MrBigFoot said:
Any one person or small band of people trying to wreck real opportunity will be seen for what they are by the INTER-FUCKING-NATIONAL canna communtiy.. those causing troube are nothing but a bunch of arsewipes who with the permission of the site owner are trying to stand in the way of progress, it will not happen, I may be only one voice now, but have faith in my argument, in fact HISTORY will shame those who today seek to destroy the movement because of their own self interest and greed and ego... fucking twats.

All I am asking people the world over is to go look at the 420 site, then visit the clear site and look at how much effort they have done for the cause, then make their own minds up.

Surprisingly, we agree on the above.
With all due respect can you guys maybe take the arguments and childish name calling back to your own forum? Noone is gonna take either of your sides seriously because of this thread and as was said above, we've our own "bad apples" to deal with in the growing side of the forum.

Cheers lads.
I appreciate what you are saying Harrekin, and I personally am only posting in response to the OP. However, although it might not seem like it if you aren't up to speed on the issue, it IS politics related, albeit UK single-issue stuff.

It is unfair of the OP to make this about one single uk weed growing site, when the discussion, if there is to be one, should really be focused on CLEAR (the political party) and it's leader, Peter Reynolds. Unfortunately, this can't be fully discussed without at least some references to UK420, where much of the debate has taken place, due to the amount of UK growers who frequent the site.
I appreciate what you are saying Harrekin, and I personally am only posting in response to the OP. However, although it might not seem like it if you aren't up to speed on the issue, it IS politics related, albeit UK single-issue stuff.

It is unfair of the OP to make this about one single uk weed growing site, when the discussion, if there is to be one, should really be focused on CLEAR (the political party) and it's leader, Peter Reynolds. Unfortunately, this can't be fully discussed without at least some references to UK420, where much of the debate has taken place, due to the amount of UK growers who frequent the site.
But the point I was making was with the outburst above, noone is going to accept either sides argument because neither of you represented your side very well.
Like how do you expect Cameron and his other toff knob-jockey mates to take legalisation seriously when clearly the legalisation movement itself is so fractionalised?
Personally, I don't expect them to take it seriously, no matter what goes on in the activist sphere. We're way beyond that now, and too much has been invested in GW pharma's monopoly to change their plans now.

The best way to win now is by ignoring the fucking law completely, growing as much weed as you can, and teaching others to do the same, to the point where everyone who wants to grow can do it, or has connections to people who do it.

I'm not trying to represent a side here, btw, and if I was, i'd be too stoned to make a coherent point anyway lol. I just disagree with the OP's bashing of a specific site, when the blame clearly (for me at least) lies elsewhere.