Boycott grow plants america in sacramento! Spread the word!


Well-Known Member
This is growing outside their shop in the back. There's a resturaunt behind it that I was at. I saw a leaf and took a peak over the fence and saw this. Nuff said.




Well-Known Member
Goes two ways? They can boycott me all they want. I'm just a guy. I have a friend in the neighborhood who got a ton of random seeds in her harvest. That's energy that can go towards bud production for her medicine. This is irresponsible, imo.


Well-Known Member
find out what the genetics of that plant is....looks nice! get some pollen lol
Not even gonna lie. lol I thought about it, but I dont want anything to do with that shop. I thought the guy was a nice guy, but this looks like sabotage if you ask me. There are residential homes all over the neighborhood and we all know pollen can carry miles in the wind.


Well-Known Member
100% not mj in fact my next door neighbor has same plant and Mon also at first thought it was a male MJ is NOT.

Mon was going to confront neighbor and maybe punch his face in, Mon almost went over there 2-3 times I was really angry and thought he was trying to ruin my crop. Mon glad mon didn't because its just another plant that grows purple flowers.

But yeah, it hella looks like a male weed plant.


Well-Known Member
100% not mj in fact my next door neighbor has same plant and Mon also at first thought it was a male MJ is NOT.

Mon was going to confront neighbor and maybe punch his face in, Mon almost went over there 2-3 times I was really angry and thought he was trying to ruin my crop. Mon glad mon didn't because its just another plant that grows purple flowers.

But yeah, it hella looks like a male weed plant.
REALLY? Are you serious? I mean...what is it? NOw i'm curious. Would be nice for camo!


Well-Known Member
REALLY? Are you serious? I mean...what is it? NOw i'm curious. Would be nice for camo!

Mon can't remember what it is called, but anyway it is not good for camo because it "LOOKS" like weed and da noobs&nubs would bring unwanted attention........Keep da PIMP HAND STRONG.


Well-Known Member
Yeah BigJon, I wont say for sure, but my parents have a huge TREE of that in their backyard. I sit in the hot tub underneath it sometimes dreaming of what I would do if all those huge kolas (which will turn purple) were stanky :weed:. Or, you could just have an asshole with a male :o wont know till the flowers turn I guess. hehehe