Boycott The Attitude!

Wayy too high to read all that.!. my op starts in 3 days ! :O fly out here and school me face to face.. ill sleep on the floor you can have my bed :D

You can't buy it, you can only have it for free.

I'm trying to get someone to make money from it but ... no one wants to work,.


I offered all of my work to Emery if he can do anything with it but I doubt that I'll ever hear from any of them.

I put a thread in Marcs forum a couple days ago and it's still at the top. I can whisper boo in this forum and get more response. It's not even getting viewed, just sitting at the top of the thread list.



Apathy. Me too.


Only In Dreams - don't try to learn, unfocus and sit back. If you like the song you're all set. It follows several plants through stem training and shows the Air Floor.


OK, I'll cut a dozen hours off your trip Raw, sorry for being a hippy. That's not what I'm here for.


Air Floor - your plants are raised on a table with holes drilled in it, or sitting on milk crates. Air is drawn from the top of your grow cage, it passively enters from the bottom - constantly feeding fresh CO2 rich air to the underside of the leaves where the stoma, like mouths bring the co2 into the leaves.

We draw the air into our grow room from the living area, reperated co2 gives us 2x the normal outside rate, constantly fed under the plants. Reduces mould, reduces heat stress, things are better.


The big thing to think about is flow - raise the heat with the air exhaust, feed fresh air from underneath. Great sequence with Volcano mist in Weed Science to show the air flow through the floor.

mMmm. .. uhm. I have my grow tray raised half a ft. on milk carton thingys.. .with my 3gal pots sitting in that? Uhm, Plenty of good vent. its a garage ! i live in the Mountains so alot of Fresh air? always a breeze. uhm.. . what about nute wise? my seeds are germ now. and im going to pop some clones into the soil.
ok so, What would you Recommend me doing to get a better potency? nute wise? what would you add. Uhm.. .since I dont have a 8x8ft tent yet to maintain a co2 lvl. I wanna get everything else in order. How many soil plants under the light ? i figured 6x 3gal. pots?

Nutes ... I use Fox Farm Solubles, inexpensive and easy to mix. I ran a half dozen different strains and got the best results with FF. The solubles are easy and quick.

No tent - you can build a cage from 2"x4" and Reflectex. In weed science and OID.

No CO2, the resporated air takes care of that

12 x 5 gallon buckets per 600 watt light and a light mover on an 8'x3' air floor. 2 rows of 6 buckets. 2 clones per bucket.

Within a year you should be able to pull 2 litres per bucket, 24 litres per continuous grow - something like Peaks Skunkberry.


If you don't want to run a light mover, you can use two timers and switch lights back and forth every hour over each side of your cage. Cut your electricity in half for maybe 75-85% of yield with the two lights - but 50% - 60% more total yield over one light.


If you're going soil go with 5 gallon pots if you have the height - larger root system, more yield and potency, less watering. I'm all about being lazy.

The root pruning buckets in weed science - drill holes in your own buckets, will increase yield and potency.

mMmm. .. uhm. I have my grow tray raised half a ft. on milk carton thingys.. .with my 3gal pots sitting in that? Uhm, Plenty of good vent. its a garage ! i live in the Mountains so alot of Fresh air? always a breeze. uhm.. . what about nute wise? my seeds are germ now. and im going to pop some clones into the soil.

In veg don't worry about it. I just make sure not to let my veg plants dehydrate.

Don't try to maximize light - keep the tips away and keep things cool. Give yourself time to get use to the garden, its quirks.

What about reflection? Your plants should be enclosed to produce a chimney effect to draw the air from underneath and to pull hot air up. Do you have reflection all the way around?

If not I can help you to design a grow cage to fit your needs. For the time being staple up panda plastic.

PH pen - most important tool. if you don't have one get some distilled water from the pharmacy for now, 7.0. eye care section.

PH imbalance is the biggest misunderstanding with new growers, never let anything touch your plants out of range.

i got thru my 1st harvest two weeks ago. :) 18gal. dwc never checked PH or even had pen. (i will this time around dont worry) uhm, No I dont have Reflective Surrounding.. the most I could do it the Wall Behind the plants =/ How Much water drains out of the holes in a 5gal bucket? would i need a bigger tray? to fit them?
I finally figured out what Hobbes problem is!

He needs to get laid!

Raw and Hobbes...GET A ROOM!

Once Raw drains Hobbes sack, he will calm down and we can get back to business as usual!

I am a new member here on RIU, and I have learned much from your posts, and your weed science e-book. I like the proverb that goes something like this: "Sell a person some buds, and they smoke for a day. Teach them to grow, and they'll tend to thier garden for life." Thank you for the inspiration and knowledge.

I am a new member here on RIU, and I have learned much from your posts, and your weed science e-book. I like the proverb that goes something like this: "Sell a person some buds, and they smoke for a day. Teach them to grow, and they'll tend to thier garden for life." Thank you for the inspiration and knowledge.

Thanks C.L.

Sorry for not starting a thread with the ebook at the start. As much as I rag on the RUI hippy moderators I am much more to blame for your trouble than they - because I could have started a new thread at any time but for the sick pleasure that I get every time I know that the thread is bumped to the top of the thread list - and the multiple more click income RIU could make if they weren't such dip shits - and I get a sick pleasure at their reaction that only happens in my mind.

I've put you through my Grow Lab thread for this, and I want to help you.

This are my sins: I do not become wrath or vengence, I have a momentary slip in control.


I'm going to do what I can to beat this inner demon, I advise you all to make yourselves scarce until the 26th. If I can get through Christmas without walking by another forum and spitting in someones face - by telling them that you lazy fucking potheads are killing children and if they don't stop you they are responsible - I am going to burn down MY world. The online marijuana world.

If we at one time exchanged posts and I like you - get out of this forum. I no longer like you, I just want to see you suffer.

love the putt and musclecar...camaro challenger or cuda'?

yeah if it wasn't for children I would hate the season as well but I love seeing the little ones so happy

Why do you think nobody helps others?




Only do so much to survive. It's who we are as a species.


In an early extended family or village there can only be so many leaders or they will kill each other. So many workers, just like ants.

Why do we have fat people? Because skinny people die of starvation on a 300 mile walk to the next food source.

Our actions are a simple extension of our genetics.

Most people will not overcome their programming, so they see others as wrong even though the others are helping people and they are not.

It is simply who we have evolved to be.



Almost everyone sees themselves as correct regardless their actions, how would our species survive otherwise?


sorry, I did not mean this as a philosophical question...Because people help others all the time, at least those who are poor, I can not speak for the folks on the hill...Some people consciously use their brains to overcome animal instinct...Now the people who I see helping others are almost exclusively your hated Hippies...the 80's ones!...I am loosely trying to understand where you are coming from (which is most likely my problem)...Your tone, at times, seems threatening...but are you just having fun? I am poor as shit, and grow my own because of it...I have a couple of friends on SSI that really need cannabis, and give what I can with nothing in return I do not grow very much as it is expensive indoors (remember I am POOR) I do not sell...

So is it still my fault that pot is illegal??? (I voted know! cuz it had nothing to do with legalization!...but what if I had not known?)

BTW...I was just talking to my ex-bro in-law who grows also about a DIY tent with reflective panels that roll up and overlap in two foot you can get to all sides of the garden (he has a tent and has issues with access) I had forgot who to give credit to...I dig it. I also think of your early documentation of the CCOB as I train mine (topped) in a yin/yang...I am sure your photos and descriptions influenced my shelling out the big bucks for some TGA beans...Thanks for the knowledge...may have to check out the air pot thing...Assuming we are all not destroyed by what seems like an incredibly heavy flow...;)
