Brainstorm Cloning Problems


Active Member
sup, been having a couple problems with cloning brainstorm haze.:wall:

before i came on here i have tried multiple methods, i also cloned the exact same way with my mazar and my sativa bag seed they were both very successful.:-(

why is the brainstorm mother giving me a big :finger: .

could it be something is wrong with my mother or just crap luck:?:

i did some more cuts today maybe it was a fluke or something ( i hope)


Active Member
Goodluck? What kinda advice is that? Let us know whats up with the clones? What was the process you used?


Well-Known Member
Some strains are easier to clone than others, sounds like your strain might be one of the tougher ones.

I just clone by taking a cutting and putting it in a cup of water, if I get energetic I'll put an airstone in the water. then I just leave them sit under a cfl and wait for it to root.

Some strains take a longer period to show roots, as long as the plant stays green I'd stick with it and it should show roots eventually, if they are dying on you then we'll have to look into other causes, lack of food during extended cloning period, also cooler temps take the plants longer to root.


Active Member
try some clonex rooting gel.........maybe your not using a disposable scalpel..use new one every time....use also a high top propagator if using high output tubes e.g bright wing mother light keep them 60-90cms away....make sure p.h is 5.5-6.3 mist your cubes dont let them dry (n.b)...happy growing mate!!


Well-Known Member
Hey dmanballin4life, i had a really difficult time cloning earlier this yr, but in the end i got the technique and all the environmental factors down right..

Try adding any of the following:
-Take a good cutting with at least 2 nodes on it.
-Scrape the outer layer off the 1st inch of the stem and dip in a quality rooting agent Gel likes Yates or Clonex.
-Use Rockwool cubes (dip them in a bucket and shake excess water off, make sure they never get too dry or the plants will die. Feed them by dipping them in a bucket and let the Rockwool draw the water up, it also makes the cuttings search downwards for water. If you water from the top u will likely drown the clones and they will rot). (You can however spray the leaves with a spray bottle lightly).
-Cut the tips off all the fan leaves (it acts as pruning, and makes the plant really want to strike roots).
-Keep close to some medium strength lights, careful not to overwhelm..
-Use a heat pad and a grow box, it helps to keep the humidity in.
-Water with only straight PH water (if you use any nutrients then the plants will be content that they have food and will not search 4 food).

Like i said i was having trouble with my clones, i took 3 sets of cuttings and they all died, then when i used this method i took 12 cuttings and 11 of them where succesful..

Good Luck :-)


Active Member
when cloning whats better; rockwool cubes or soil
i like using rockwool better but both methods work:hump:

i may need to wait a little longer on the brainstorm to clone i get impatient this is one of my premier strains right now till i get my blueberry....rumor has it blueberry is hard to clone to is that true?

kinda stoked my first grow is almost complete 9 plants like 4 ft tall haha buds are huge everywhere.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, Scraping is the bomb-diggety, you just give it a gentle scrape.. taking off the 1st layer all the way around - be careful tho, many a time i have snapped a cutting when my blade hits a knuckle on the cutting and shreds it, lol.