BRAINSTORM GROW BY DUTCH PASSION indoor grow... first grow in 5 years


Active Member
Wow... they are really growing along. I have topped the 2 largest plants and will do the rest probably tomorrow. I am topping them at 5 sets... I asked for advice earlier on about when to top and at which nodes but nobody offered an answer... So i tried to remember back to my last grow and I think I topped them at 5... maybe it was 4... oh well... Enjoy the pictures.:leaf:



Well-Known Member
Looking great storming
i was gunna do the same with mine as described in unclebens thread,he chops em at the 2nd node to promote 2 or 4 main colas,But seeing as its my first grow i shit out of it haha :)

Latin Weed Grower!

Active Member
Howdy Brainstorming!

Sorry dude, but u said you have topped some and plabted, right? I've been following your journal and also am learning but couldn't identify the one that are planted clones...could u tell me, please?
Have u seen my grow journal?



Active Member
Howdy Brainstorming!

Sorry dude, but u said you have topped some and plabted, right? I've been following your journal and also am learning but couldn't identify the one that are planted clones...could u tell me, please?
Have u seen my grow journal?


No clones. All from seed. I am moving long distance after this grow so not taking any clones or looking to get a mother plant. I pinched the tops off the plants at 5 nodes... then on most of them i cut off the bottom node as it usually is a dud anyway


Well-Known Member
yea, what type of water do u use? tap water? bottled?
and just make sure u dont over do the nutes did u put holes in the bottom of the pots?


Active Member
Switched out the 400w MH today and put in the 600w HPS. Also hung 10 23w CFLs. that have a colr temp of 2700k. Same as my HPS. So thats about 830w of light on them and tomorrow will be lights on for the beginning of the 12/12 rotation. I have a Question for anyone with more experience than me. My plants have started to get female flowers already... very few but still. They are not an auto-flower strain and nothing has been done to them that is extra ordinary... I have never had plants get flowers before switching th light cycle before. They are only 12 to 14 inches and have only been in the dirt 4 weeks. If anyone can shed light on this that would be great. Thanks... Oh and today I also trimmed off ALL of the leaves from the main stalk. Only branches now growing at each of the nodes. Should I also cut the lowest set of branches off of each? Each plant has 4 or 5 nodes


Active Member
Ok. I use tap water but I make sure It sits open at room temp for 2 or 3 days before the plants get it. and so far the nutes have been supplied by the mistake soil I put them in. Didnt want nute soil it was an accident. I am using a bloom booster for flowering though, And my pots actually have a resevoir of water seperate from the soil underneath the pot. a swatch of fabric delivers water from the bottom of the pot up to the soil if it gets dry. pretty ingenious actually