BRAINSTORM GROW BY DUTCH PASSION indoor grow... first grow in 5 years


Well-Known Member
Wow brainstorm those are looking good! . How old were they when u induced flowering? you have alot of lights on them babies so that should make a big difference!


Active Member
Well its been a pleasure growing brainstorm so far. I think 1 of my fem seeds may be a male though... just a couple days too early to tell though, And I put them in flower at 27 days from breaking dirt... 30 days from seed. They are now just going over 20 inches tall at 7 days of flowering. 7 days into flowering though I figured I would be able to sex all the plants by now. I ordered fem seeds and 3 of them haave fem pre-flowers so far... I will just have to wait a little longer I guess


Active Member
Ok... got 11 females from 11 seeds.... happy with that... a little snafu tough, I dropped my timer and didnt realize I pushedin the buttons so my lights were turning off 3 and a half hours early for 5 days, wasnt home to see that they were turning off til the weekend and then adjusted them. Probably stunted growth a smidge but they seems to be ok. Also... what does it mean when the lea ves go almost verticle? 2 plants have leaves reaching almost straight up... just curious


Active Member
Here are some pics... have been busy and havent posted in awhile... please comment. I post less often when people dont comment



Well-Known Member
looking good BS!
and when u say vertical? u mean the plants leaves are tipping up towards the light? if thats what u mean its the leaves turnin to the light


Well-Known Member
hey Brainstorm. the room looks good . prob just want to take out a few leaves so the bottoms catch some light. i seen that that helps and dsnt hurt


Well-Known Member
hey i'm on about week 2 of my brainstorms from dp i couple have mutated webbed leaves other than that they seem big healthy and happy also have passion 1 with dp also mutants in here but i have always had good luck with dp stuff.

Stoney Jake

Well-Known Member
The leaves are what creates energy for the plant. The more healthy leaf surface the more vigorous your plant will be. Bigger buds and all
I LST for better light distribution so I can keep those leaves as long as possible.
Its not like your plant will die because you took some leaves, but it would be better if you left them


Active Member
Well... A quick and sad update... And then there were 7!!! I had some gnarly problems this last week with my plants. Some plant disease or severe deficiency attacked my plants. literally went from perfect healthy looking great smelling plants to wilted, not a leaf left alive in under 6 hours... Hit 3 of my plants. Cut down and wiped out. Wasnt mold, or yellowing, or overwatering. I really have no Idea what it was. I think the bloom booster I was using must have had something in it that caused a blockage for absorption of minerals or something. I have been on plain watering now for 6 days and the remaining 7 are doing ok for the most part. The smell still hasnt returned... they smell musty and mildewy a little still but not near as bad as they did a couple days ago. Humidity and temp are good though so IDK what to think. Rather sad really. I wont be too hurt as long as the remaining plants recovered I will be happy. But thats IF they recover fully. Seems like a constant battle now with balancing watering, fans, heat, light... anything that would even mildly stress a plant before now seems to virtually devastate these ones. The stress forced 2 plants to go hermie. I cut they herm branch as soon as I saw them but now I have to worry for that now too. Grrr. This went from a great and wonderfully splendid grow to a nightmare in 6 hours. I need to order a bloom booster asap though so can someone recomend one to me that will help boost the bud growth over the next 4 weeks?


Active Member
OK!!!!! I NEED HELP!!!2 more plants are going down. I dont get this at all. Ive babied and pampered them but something just isnt right. Im posting some pics this time... Unfortunately I cut a TON of bad leaves already so you dont get the full effect of how bad they really looked. Please anyone help

