branches thinning and leaves dying - unable to find similar problem

okay so the branches are thinning and the leaves turn a dark yellow then go brown and die.

what is happening? pics available if needed.
yeah they suffered from burn but have been flushed. you are corrects sir, ph is constantly around 7-7.5...i was going to add vinegar but people have said it bad for them, also seemorebuds has said vinegar to lower ph...

any suggestions? have googled it but there are different opinions.


Active Member
Nute burn, nutrient deficiency- most likely from too high ph as already suggested above.

Honestly I would transplant into new fresh medium if they are still young. If you want to try and work through it you need to continue to flush/dry until you get that ph under control.

Do you have a ph tester, up/down solution?
I flush with ph'ed B1 water, B1 is a great anti-stress. Its like a warm hug for stressed plants. 3 gal of flush for every gal of soil. That should bring your soil back in range. When they have dried out enough I go with 3/4 strength nutes based off how much I was feeding before the bump in the road. Things should start to improve drastically within a few days if you have the other environmental factors correct.

If you use tap water let it sit for 24 hours, even with soil.

I can never recommend vinegar.

Good luck!
as i said ive already flushed with water, 25 litres each pot...125 ltr is a bitch to get hold of without looking suspicious. the ph remains alkaline, yeah ive got a 3 in one soil tester, but it keeps saying 7-7.5. the thing is the water isnt drying..the plants not absorbing the water..its not root rot as the roots are pristine white. oxygenated the soil with h202 equivalent though. as the soil does tend to get compact. and no i dont have any ph down.

i know about dissipating chlorine in tap water but thanks anyway dude.


Well-Known Member
as i said ive already flushed with water, 25 litres each pot...125 ltr is a bitch to get hold of without looking suspicious. the ph remains alkaline, yeah ive got a 3 in one soil tester, but it keeps saying 7-7.5. the thing is the water isnt drying..the plants not absorbing the water
..its not root rot as the roots are pristine white
. oxygenated the soil with h202 equivalent though. as the soil does tend to get compact. and no i dont have any ph down.

i know about dissipating chlorine in tap water but thanks anyway dude.
it is a soil issue, ph is normal in soil at 7. I think u may have fucked your soil by adding h202equivalent as this destroys micro-organism activity ,now your roots cant take up nutrients. Dont add h202 to soil.
i understand, but it has helped considerably. the runt has grown a new shoot and the broken plant has redirected its energy to a branch, its rather odd as its growing just at a 45 degree angle. i never said it wasn't a soil issue mate. i know the difference between a base and an acid.

oh well, nice one guys but i think the h202 helped alot. gonna use superthrive when it arrives and keep a close eye on it.