Brand new grow lets see what happens this time


Well-Known Member
Icegrow 196.jpgIcegrow 193.jpgCrystalgrow 192.jpg?grow 191.jpgtempgrow 186.jpggrow 185.jpggrow 190.jpgcrystalgrow 195.jpg
Well what a 5 weeks as a new grower
i have gone through around 25 seeds trying to get my set up , nutes , germination and temps correct
For those of you that havn't seen my earlier posts
I am running a 2 x 2 x 4 foot grow cabnet
I have a 400w hps dual spectrum running 20/4 at the mo around 3 foot above pots
I have 2 x 17w computer fans 12 cm dia , 1 blowing straight on plants , 1 sucking hot air out the top
I have 1 x 5 gal pot and 2 x 3 gal pots
Pots are all now filled with CYCO coco and perlite mix , pre soked with rain water and 1/4 nutes , it is pre-buffered and ph stabilised to 5.5 - 6.5
nutes i use is Growrite Part A + B for vegetive growth , CYCO Dr Repair and CYCO Zyme
PH of rain water is 7.0 runoff is 6.4
I will get ph down for rain water in very near future
Plants are Crystal , Ice and i think White Widow
I do wait for pots to dry out b4 watering again
I give them around 1 ltr of water once a day as the coco dries out much quicker than soil
I feed them every second day
Well thats about it for the specs of the grow
Please let me get something out of this grow
will get a humidity meter soon as i get some coin
thanx everyone for the support of recent atempts to grow
hopefully this one is the bomb
?grow 194.jpg


Well-Known Member
You have a nice setup that looks like it will do the job. I would work on getting your PH stabilized to 6, without such a great variation. That is very important. I was wondering why you lost so many seeds. How did you germinate them? Anyway, all the best and good luck on your grow. Peace


Well-Known Member
You have a nice setup that looks like it will do the job. I would work on getting your PH stabilized to 6, without such a great variation. That is very important. I was wondering why you lost so many seeds. How did you germinate them? Anyway, all the best and good luck on your grow. Peace
hey im workin on my ph as we speak
I germ in paper towel then plant in medium
i have nearly 95% success at the germ process
I have lost all plants in veg stage , wrong soil , temps , ph , nutes the list gows on
i have learnt alot over the past 5 weeks through making mistakes and especially what people say on this site
hope this one goes well
seedlings are looking real happy so far will post updated pics later


Well-Known Member
They're looking top knotch, amigo! Well on their way. I've never grown with coco before. How is it compared to just straight soil and perlite?
Thanx saucimella for stopping by , I had no luck with potting / perlite mix in my recent grows , then changed to coco and they havnt looked back
It does dry out twice as quick as soil witch i think is a good thing , so its hard to overwater


Well-Known Member
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Update of grow day 18

In the above pics does it look like plants are starting to show sex ???

In these pics have you eva seen 4 branches coming out of 1 node??
the 4th branch is hidden behind grow 261.jpggrow 260.jpggrow 259.jpg