Brand New Grower


Active Member
Hey Everyone!!

So I've been reading around at different forums, trying to gather information, and decided to go ahead and register here, since it appears to have a well respected number of users. I just signed up, and still haven't figured out how to change my picture, but that's not my concern right now.

I have not grown in quite some time, but recently I was given what seems to be, a pretty nice lighting system. I have 2 450W MH and 1 600W HPS, all with digital ballast. I have a grow space of 4'x6', inside the walk-in closet to my spare bedroom, walls all painted white. Three days ago I got 4 clones, of Blue Dream. My guess is they are a few weeks old. They all have at least 4 leaf sets. The grower I got these from had them as extra's under CFL's. I wish I could contact him to ask him more questions, but that seems to be an issue right now. I got the plants home, three days ago like I said, and transplanted into an organic soil I purchased from a local nursery that was recommended to me. The soil contains worm castings, bat guano, chicken manure, forest compost, and sand. Sounds ok? lol. In conjunction with the potting soil, I did 1/3 peat moss and 1/3 pearlite. I have been an avid container gardener for a few years, but not with MJ. Anyways, three of the four seem to be doing well. It's one that I am somewhat concerned with, as it appears to have some bleach or white spots. This started occuring within hours of the transplant. I am only using one light for now, which is the 450MH. I am thinking maybe this is the problem? I had it 18" away, and immediately when I noticed the plant was going into stress, I raised the light to 30". The spots did get lighter, they were yellow and then went to white over the last few days. The plant in stress, does seem to be growing slower than the others that seem to be doing well. Or possibly, could it be from the soil? I always use the finger method for checking water with all my other container plants. Now the soil I got the plants in were wet, and when I transplanted into the new containers, I did go ahead and water again.

I also purchased PH test strips. I see people are saying for soil, PH is not as much of a concern, is this true? I have a thermo-gro that reads around 81 degrees, give or take a degree here or there. Humidity is at 30%, which is probably low?

As for fertilizers, I already have organic fertilizers on hand, such as bone meal, blood meal, and a fish and guano liquid fertilizer. I have read so much information online, my brain is a little jammed, but from what I gather I probably wont need to start fertilizing for a few weeks. Is this correct also?

As for the additional lights, I am not sure if I will ever use the second 450W MH, but I do know that when it goes into flower is when I start using the 650W HPS. Any other advice or suggestions on this?

The pictures I uploaded, one is of a few of the plants that appear to have adjusted just fine, and then the one that has the white spots. I hope they uploaded correctly.

Anyways, I appreciate any advice or suggestions you have to give.


Well-Known Member
welcome MsJazzy :eyesmoke:
sounds like you have it under control over there. the mrs and i use 800 actual watts cfl to veg with and 600 hps in a 40 x 40 closet and we love it but imo one can never have too much light!


Active Member
LOL well that is good to know. When they go into flower and I put up the HPS, I am thinking then it wont hurt to leave the 450W MH up as well?? I mean, outdoors they still get some blue during flowering, so maybe they might appreciate it? lol.