Brand new to growing, am i fucked?


Active Member
Ok, so im going to start off with the whole story.

I dont smoke pot, I never have, but 70% of my friends do. One day i was chilling with them when they were tokin up, and were throwing out all the seeds!. I was like dude...give me the seeds! Ill grow them!!

This was in mid winter, so i kept the seeds concealed in a tube that allowed no light, as i did not want them to sprout in february.

The first wee little seed whet outside in my flower garden. =P It grew fine, but the slowest of the three.

The second and third (final) seeds went into a little plastic growing pot. The second seed never sprouted. But the third seed grew tremdously, x2 the rate of the first seed in the garden.

One day i was out cooking hamburgers you know, normal American guy. After getting done, i thought for a second. I like hamburgers, and i bet Mary Jane does too! So i took the grease from the hamburgers and poured them on third plant only. Within the next day it was already withered and dead.

So i was left with one single plant, growing in my flower bed!. At this point it wasnt easily recognizable as Marry Jane, but i was afraid, so i moved it to the back of my yard, where it has been growing beautifully, up until last night.

I live in a pretty populated area, and im positive if my neighbors just glanced over at my yard, they would see my prized possessions, so i made the decision to move it.

I have a little cubbie in my room, lined with aluminum foil to get the most out of the florescent lamp i have put in there, and it already seems like the plant is doing well!! When i first put the plant in there, the very top of the stem was very droopy, and i was afraid i had killed the plant, but this morning, i woke up, checked on it, and it has regained strength and is standing straight up tall!!

Now for the real questions.

My plant is about one foot tall, but it used to be all natural, about 12-14 hours of light, 8-10 hours of dark. Is it going to mess with how my plant grows now that i have put a lamp in there and plan on 24 hour light?
If so, what do you recommend for a light cycle?

Is it going to stink terribly in my room because of this? I haven't noticed a smell on my own unless i flip the towel that covers the cubby up, other than that my room smells fine.

If i forced my plant to yield right now, being only about a foot tall, would any bud come out?

How can the sex of the plant be determined this early on in the growing?

I'm seeing some reddish-brown color change along the main stalk of this plant, is this natural? (This appeared before the move into my house)

How much water is needed? If i use 10-15-10 plant food plus water enhancer, is that a good thing or bad thing?

Thank you so much in advance.
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blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
C'mon guys help me!
LOL. Sorry homie, kinda chill you wanna grow for your friends but you do understand the risk involved (esp. in the US) and a risk that YOU will be taking?

So my advice to you is to start smoking pot. :mrgreen: You'll want to be able to reap the fruits of your labor right? Post some pics of what you got going on and if you flower at a foot tall you will get some bud if you grow it right.

Get some pics though.



Well-Known Member
Due to the scope of your issue, it's obvious that you need to look thru the GROWFAQ

Yes, a one foot female plant will yield some bud. 12 hours of complete darkness nightly/daily should show you the sex withon 2 weeks. Plants double in size when flowering, some triple.The plant will likely stretch under the fluro after being outside in the real sun. growth will probably slow for a while. If I were you, I'd spray pyrethrum based insecticide on the plant twice, once to kill any adult insects, then 2-3 weeks after for eggs, nits. Might could skip this if you don't havce a bunch of other indoor plants . . . and so on.


Active Member
Ah thanks guys.

I think after some extensive research, i will let it stay 24 hour light over the next 3-5 days, then start to flower it with 48 hours of no light, then 12 on 12 off.

Anyone see any holes in my plan?

And about how much water do i need to give it daily?
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Well-Known Member
One day i was out cooking hamburgers you know, normal American guy. After getting done, i thought for a second. I like hamburgers, and i bet Mary Jane does too! So i took the grease from the hamburgers and poured them on third plant only. Within the next day it was already withered and dead.

Say Whaaaaat? LOL :o
Do you eat plant food?

You'll do fine. Get rid of the aluminum foil and paint the inside with flat white paint.

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
I dont have any white paint. Is there something bad that can come from the Aluminum Foil?
Aluminium doesnt reflect light as well as it reflects heat. It can lead to hotspots and heat issues. If you don't have paint.............i doubt you have mylar. Find mylar. How big is your grow room. Paint really isn't that expensive.



Well-Known Member
are u planning on growing and giving it to your friends? I doubt it. you are growing for the wrong reasons. wtf? GET HIGH damn u you will like it !!!!!


Well-Known Member
I dont have any white paint. Is there something bad that can come from the Aluminum Foil?
Stop eating hamburgers and buy paint ;)

For a cubbie it'd need less than a quart. $2.95 at Freddies. Home depot even has custom mixes that they've messed up, they're something like 3 bucks a quart, 6 bucks a gallon. I'm sure you can find something.


Well-Known Member
how the hell did hot or even cold grease make you think, hey i bet my plant wants some of this? second if your growing pot just to impress your friends considering the risks then stop know because your prolly going to get caught


Active Member
I plan to grow it mainly for the $. As i have never smoked pot, but i do plan on smoking a little bit and never telling anyone about it.

I dont have a grow room. I have a wooden grow cubby. Its about 2 and a half feet tall, a foot wide and a foot deep. Inside is lined with aluminum foil, the front is covered by a towel, its next to my window and gets fresh air at night, and periodically throughout the day.

Inside is a run of the mill florescent light. Looks inconspicuous, and i think will do for my purpose of giving friends a helping hand, and my own occasional experimentation.


Well-Known Member
Oh he smokes :eyesmoke:,he's just worried that a parental unit might read this when they check the computer :-o

Honest pop's,i was just holding it for a friend :roll:

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
I plan to grow it mainly for the $. As i have never smoked pot, but i do plan on smoking a little bit and never telling anyone about it.

I dont have a grow room. I have a wooden grow cubby. Its about 2 and a half feet tall, a foot wide and a foot deep. Inside is lined with aluminum foil, the front is covered by a towel, its next to my window and gets fresh air at night, and periodically throughout the day.

Inside is a run of the mill florescent light. Looks inconspicuous, and i think will do for my purpose of giving friends a helping hand, and my own occasional experimentation.
Uhhhhmmm. You won't produce enough to smoke let alone sell and give to your friends if you leave it in that small cubby.
Why won't you tell if you smoke? BE LOUD AND BE be apart of the marijuana culture. Serious why grow? Think this through broseff.

If you choose to continue, good luck and just do some looking around you'll find what you need to know!



Well-Known Member
just put the lights on a timer... 12hrs of light 12 hrs of dark. Water it once every 2-3 days. and in about 9-10 weeks i'd say you'll have buds.


New Member
I am a pot head and I have been throwing seeds in a pot full of dirt for about six months now just wondering what would happen. Well believe it or not something sprouted (my brother-in-law spotted it about 2 months ago). I kept it in the sun and watered it. Soon I found out it was a female. Like clockwork, about a week after June 21st it started flowering.


Active Member
Yeah i looked around at the plant, and it has pistils, and no balls. I think its a hoochie!!!!

I just hope its not a hermie....

Fuck, wish me luck guys.