brandnew to this...enjoy:)


Active Member
:peace: whats good everybody, i guess you can call me brandnewlighter... pretty new to the site, and a complete noob when it comes to growing.. but i love enjoying good nugs up here in the nw, so i figured why not lets do this!!:joint:

def gotta give props to everybody growing with cfls cause reading everybody's posts gave me the boost to give it a try, im a college student in a town where good herbs arnt too hard to find.. but a freekin part time job is in very short supply so the cfl thing appeals to me cause im straight broke most of the time haha:blsmoke:

well i guess ill finish this up by saying my set up is as my uncle would say "mickie mouse" or extremely amateur. and my pics are off my cellphone but, ill try to put up at least 1 pic a day and a brief note if i can.

so feel free to give me ideas or clown on it.. haha its all good :blsmoke:

(im gonna attach all the pics i took so far.. might be more than one per day..)

well thats it for now that plants been in dirt for like 14 days, so after this ill probably just put one pic up a day.. but till then smoke em if you got em...


Well-Known Member
welcome to RIU! plants lookin pretty good, but looks like you might need to start giving it nutes with you next water, only 1/4 to 1/2 strength.


Active Member
whats up been pretty busy with school so havnt been able to upload a pic, but took one today, dont have alot of time to look after it but it looks pretty good i guess.



Well-Known Member
whats up been pretty busy with school so havnt been able to upload a pic, but took one today, dont have alot of time to look after it but it looks pretty good i guess.

It looks great... have you topped it yet... promot branching... on all that you can... let me know if you need to know how..


Active Member
whats up hope everybody had a good weekend... was away most of the weekend... so watered it on thursday and hoped it would be ok until yesterday when i got back. it looks better this morning.


Active Member
hey took a couple pics today one from the side

and one from the top

i kinda have a time issue because i am moving out of my current place in 33 days, so i started the 12/12 last night so i guess ill just see what happens.:peace::joint::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
hey took a couple pics today one from the side

and one from the top

i kinda have a time issue because i am moving out of my current place in 33 days, so i started the 12/12 last night so i guess ill just see what happens.:peace::joint::mrgreen:

How many days into Vegg is this? Im about 20 days in and mine are close to that going to flower mid 3rd just using a 70 watt HPS..check out my grow if you'd like its in my signature. And best of luck with everything! :peace:


Well-Known Member
Hey bud,... HOw tall are you planning on making this lady?... Im saying cause i would probably start flowering now if you dont want a 6 foot tree... heheheh

wait how big is that pot... that might be smaller than i think..


Active Member
the pot is like 8" across 7" tall, yeah i started flowering last night, might have to move my set up around a little cause i cant really make the lights any higher.


Well-Known Member
you cant go higher?... you better super crop that bitch then... it will go through a growth spurt you wont beleave in the next few weeks...


Well-Known Member
hey took a couple pics today one from the side

and one from the top

i kinda have a time issue because i am moving out of my current place in 33 days, so i started the 12/12 last night so i guess ill just see what happens.:peace::joint::mrgreen:
Welcome....just a thought...If your moving (into a new place I hope, not homeless) it would be easier to keep it veging at 24/7, that way the absolute DARK needed for flowering won't be put at risk..It will get some light during the move, and won't freak out the plant (as much)........just a thought......maybe others will give input....


Active Member
yeah the way i have it right now its sitting on top of a shelf with the top light attached to a closet rod. but im gonna try to find something lower than the book shelf for it to sit on so it has more room.


Well-Known Member
there ya go man... shit dont think too hard.... upside down bucket... phonebooks... just about anything works.. hell get yourelf a shelf with a few bricks...


Well-Known Member
Hey brandnew, I was wondering if you had looked into y splitters so you can double your bulbs and surround the plant with more light. You can find them at Home Depot or Lowe's or any other home improvement store for relatively cheap. Hope this helps.

Tom :joint::peace: