Hey man i really recommend the ona bucket fan system... Make your own of course... All it is you get a bucket and install a fan on the top of it sucking air out. about 2 or 3 inches fromt he top you drill a bunch of holes around so it can suck air through it.. then the air gets sucked out through the fan...the bucket you fill with water and ONA liquid (get the one that says fresh linen) then you get some soilmoist granules (its abosorbes water and expand up to 50 times there size ... I even mix some of that stuff in my outdoor plants)thanks for the comments everybody's feedback has been really helpful cause im pretty much learning as i go. but i havnt really thought of the y splitters but i plan on getting a couple here pretty soon. luckily smell isn't a huge issue mainly because it really doesn't smell very much yet.. and my neighbors are cool.. im pretty sure heh but i was thinking about getting a couple of those disc shaped things that suck up smells to help out.
dude...your still in veg.. leave on 24hrs....