Break through discovery for grow tents

I have an amazing discovery that im sure others already know, but here it is.. So i have a tent that is 48x48x72. Well 72 is too high for grown room celing so whats did I do after months of it being in storage and not using it?? Flipped that bitch on her side!!! I put in some extra support for the lights and now have an amsing tent that I will never turn right side up again. I have SOO much room now.. I ordered a 600w cool tube to help out my 400w in there now, its so long in there the 400 dosnt cover my whole tent now so they are in there kinda bunched up until the 600 comes in the mail.


common sense after its already been said, even I was knocking myself upside my head thinking how I didn't think of it before. when something is in the back of a storage locker and you know the right way to use it measurements wont fit... its a little bit diffrent. It took a bit for it to hit me that maybe it would work on its side, i would just have to go dig it out, set it up, and see.


Well-Known Member
I did the same thing. I even build a V scrog frame+chicken wire inside it and had 3 cooltubes with 400w lights.
YEAH!!! Thats what im talking about tumorhead we are some innovation geniuses! im gonna build a scrog net with pvc and weed wacker line.. already built one for something else i was gonna do before i made this discovery... looks awesome w top notch quality but it measures 3 1/2 x 3 1/2 so now i have something with no use for it.