Break up toke

Definitely needed one. I mean, good God, the first time a girl broke up with me i had to go to hte hospital because i tried to drink fucking antifreeze. if i had just had like an ounce or so i wwould have been fine that sumer. i loved this girl and evidently fucked up and she borke up with me todau .so happens i just bought and 8th and have smoke about a third of it and guess what i call it self medication to prevent self harm you know> im a known cutter this should count for medical. man im fucked up. you think im just pretending i know, but im so fucked up. and let me show you how i got there. can you ttach pifcutres to this thinkg?bubbler.jpg Yes i can. that is a classic pill bottle bubler which my asshole friend * think hes part of the reason she broker up with me) made me months ago, even before i started smokin hreb because he knew i wanted to i just needed to pass drug test for a job a didnt gert anyway, but thats whatever, but i used it for the first time to spare my asthmatic bronchi because i knew i was gona be smokin at least 3 bowls. and it worked great. one cvs bottle, a couple inches of vinyl tubing, electrical tape, 1/2x1/2 female adapter solder and barb, cut the holes, tape them up, punch or melt a carb opposite mouth piece, drop a screen in the top, pack the adapter like a bowl and light up bichez. you all probably knew how to do tht already. thats cool. i just wanted to share my excitement that im not trying to kill myself after a bad breakup. the third bad breakup in a row actually. lol.. god im so beyind blitzedupcked:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
damn man at least your on the right track now. just smoke the worries away. hope shit works out man.


Well-Known Member
Don't kill yourself. There is still so much life to live. And many fish in the sea. And something something.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
I think what u should do is go get a chain and attach it to the frame of her car and the other end to her garage door at home.
id did this once during a break up. I got caught but u might not.
god you guys rule. gdo i love you all that was al so cunny. funny.. haha. one day we will all come to gether and light up and be merry and the limb hshall inherit the eaarth or something. im bout to pass yout. that was pretty good reefer


Well-Known Member
It's hard to tell if it's a cry for help, or he's trolling, hard.
It's a post for help. Come on man, give him some sympathy. He's obviously going through a hard time.

I just went through one too op. Only I don't have a bubbler nor weed. But I do have whiskey.. soooo :spew: