BREAKING! Kucinich Introduces 35 Articles of Impeachment Against George W. Bush!


Well-Known Member
whats stupid is that people don't see a time frame. The lame duck excuse works perfectly since its a half truth. 7 months is a wicked long time. I think september 2001 to april 2002 is 7 months and lets see what happened then:

Sept. wtc attacks, 3000 dead

October Anthrax scares + attack on Afghanistan begins

November 13 - War on Terrorism: In the first such act since World War II, US President George W. Bush signs an executive order allowing military tribunals against any foreigners suspected of having connections to terrorist acts or planned acts on the United States.

December- 2 men deported from egypt(beleived to be cia led operation)

The 2002 State of the Union address, the first after the September 11th attacks, was given by U.S. President George W. Bush. In the address, Bush said that "As we gather tonight, our nation is at war, our economy is in recession, and the civilized world faces unprecedented dangers. Yet the state of our Union has never been stronger." This is also the speech in which he labeled the countries of Iran, Iraq, and North Korea as an "axis of evil."[1]
Bush gave this address on Tuesday, January 29, 2002.

February - Violence begins to escalate in middle east

March - The Bush Administration acknowledges the implementation of the Continuity of Operations Plan for the first time

April - White house ends environmental fellowship

*May* Japan extended its logistics support for the U.S.-led anti-terrorism campaign in and around Afghanistan for another six months.

This is just an example of what a 7 month time frame can encompass and also to show that even in the 8th month, a decision can be made to impact half a year more.


New Member
The Democrats have been in power for two years now.

I just paid $4.69 per gallon for gas.

The dollar is in the shitter.

Inflation is really taking off.

We're still in Iraq.

Interest rates are rising.

Stock market is on the downturn.

And all they can talk about is impeaching Bush, capping oil prices, raising taxes and in general, just screwing up the economy even further.

Yep ... vote for B. Hussein O'Bama and get "change."



Well-Known Member
I wonder if the "founding Fathers" were really concerned with their credibility. After watching John Adams, it seems that revolt against the British really wasn't a popular thing to do in most circles, it took a few years to get the people riled up enough, and barely passed a vote by one dude.

Actually the revolt was very popular. The ones who didn't want it were the rich elite. They had the most to loose. Some things never change.

It certainly would be refreshing to see more honest men running our government, but it seems that Honesty and politician are oxymorons.
honesty -noun truthfulness; sincerity; integrity; frankness

Describes Ron Paul perfectly. :peace:


New Member

Actually the revolt was very popular. The ones who didn't want it were the rich elite. They had the most to loose. Some things never change.

honesty -noun truthfulness; sincerity; integrity; frankness

Describes Ron Paul perfectly. :peace:

It seems that you like to argue with me just for the sake of arguement, so OK, you vote for Ron Paul as he has no chance and I doubt he'll even be on the ballot (I may agree that he is almost as honest as Kucinich, and Kucinich never had a chance either) Although, Kucinich is the only congressman with the balls to call for impeachment, Giant Kudos for that. Btw, the average colonist, as that is what we were untill the revolution, had such a hard time staying alive and taking care of their families that revolt never even crossed their minds. It was the elites that were paying the most in taxes that really hated british rule, and I'm pretty sure they had an alterior motive, like they could become the government and then they could collect the taxes instead of paying them. Most all the signers of the declaration were men of property, and influence, IE elites. The elites started the revolution and took control of the government and still own it today, check it out.


Well-Known Member
so vi, you'd rather leave someone in office with a horrible track record and focus on items which probably wont get changed because said person will veto whatever gets signed to try and better the problems you list? it goes no where and it needs to be started one step at a time. after you fix the white house, fix the senate or fix congress. we can worry about the future candidates plans when it gets time to but for now, we still have 7 more real months of bullshit thats gonna be fed to us if there aren't stands taken. oh if the stockmarket is failing you, operate in a different market(but don't all get out at once ;) )


Well-Known Member
...bullshit ... Dennis is one of the few politicians that actually does he's job ... you're the nut ... Pelosi is a traitor ... any probably a war criminal as well ... that's why impeachment is off the table ... she need to step the fuck down ... I'm hoping someone will take her seat this election ... if they did their jobs ... and uphold their oath those that worked for impeachment would be reelected ... unlike you ... most americans are sick of the war crimes being committed ... and frankly I'm sick of people like you dismissing crimes and accountability ... you are definitely part of the problem ... What is wrong with kicking out and trying war criminals that are literally destroying our system of government ... WTF?
Obama is already going to win ... McSame needs a 10 point difference in order to steal the election and he ain't going to get it ... impeachment would give the dems a clear majority ... election fraud in 2006 kept them from getting the 50 seats they actually won because of 10 point difference ... but with impeachment ... it would be 30 points in favor of the dems ... history has show this to be true ... the party that impeach ... wins ... :-|

Lady, you are nuts and boring! You rant and rave yet say little. In fact you cannot make a whole proper sentance. A whole paragraph is out of the question.

Unlike you, Dennis the Menaice is nuts, but very entertaining. His quest to challenge the evil BushMaster is like Don Quixote attacking windmills. An impossible dream. Furthermore, his effort aids the republicans and hurts democratic candidates like Obahma.

Personally, I want to see what he has. Go Dennis go!

I heard Dennis was standing on telephone books, in that C-span shot. Looked nice.


Well-Known Member
Boring and nuts ... yet you read my posts ... that says a lot about you ... I'd much rather be boring and nuts than stupid like you ... accepting war crimes ... like I said you're part of the problem ... the only thing that can help repukes is election fraud ... they don't have a chance in hell ... and what the fuck are you standing on ... no matter what they are ... you won't look nice ...


Well-Known Member
Boring and nuts ... yet you read my posts ... that says a lot about you ... I'd much rather be boring and nuts than stupid like you ... accepting war crimes ... like I said you're part of the problem ... the only thing that can help repukes is election fraud ... they don't have a chance in hell ... and what the fuck are you standing on ... no matter what they are ... you won't look nice ...
I keep hoping my English lessons will help you. But instead, you resort to pathetic name calling.


Well-Known Member
I keep hoping my English lessons will help you. But instead, you resort to pathetic name calling.
You couldn't give English or any kind of lesson if your life depended on it ... yeah ... I like calling you dummy bushies names ... lots of fun ... what's you going to do about it? ... nothing ... :hump:


Well-Known Member
You couldn't give English or any kind of lesson if your life depended on it ... yeah ... I like calling you dummy bushies names ... lots of fun ... what's you going to do about it? ... nothing ... :hump:
There are none so blind, as a sleepy sloth that never wipes moss from her eyes. Go back up into your tree and put on your comfortable shoes.


Well-Known Member
Yo! Matanuska! You live in AK? My family hails from there and I visited for 6 months out on the Kenai Peninsula!


Well-Known Member
Btw, the average colonist, as that is what we were untill the revolution, had such a hard time staying alive and taking care of their families that revolt never even crossed their minds. It was the elites that were paying the most in taxes that really hated british rule, and I'm pretty sure they had an alterior motive, like they could become the government and then they could collect the taxes instead of paying them. Most all the signers of the declaration were men of property, and influence, IE elites. The elites started the revolution and took control of the government and still own it today, check it out.
Thank you for actually pointing this out.. people really need to go back and study the American Revolution again and its roots. Schools and most books glossed over the real story.. contrary to what everyone would like to think, the founders of this country weren't perfect- nor were they the "average joe", and we never truly got rid of the rich in control. Do you hear me? Never. George Washington was the richest man in the country at the time, while owning over 200 slaves. The original Pennsylvania Constitution is far better than the one used for our country..making corruption nearly impossible and bringing more participation and awareness to the average voter, even our constitution from its conception has been manipulated to be bias towards to rich elite. Though I am not surprised many do not know this stuff... 25% of the wealth belonged to 1% of the population before the revolution.. the rich were getting richer as the poor were getting poorer, then the rich decided they didn't wanna pay the Brit's taxes, because they wanted to be richer, and hell, they could BECOME the government- the poor were duped to fight the rich man's war. Rich men could pay to get out of the draft, while men who went to fight weren't paid for their active duty! Our revolutionary vets were flat broke after the revolution and Washington and the gang wouldn't pay what was owned to the vets for their service.. they they started to arrest these vets who couldn't afford to pay their debts. While Washington enjoyed being the richest man in the country.. could you live the high life while watching the men who fought by your side went to jail and couldn't support their families? I sure could never do that... the founding fathers ushered us in a new plutocracy with a newer illusion of freedom... still better than being under British rule tho..:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
As far as Kucinich. I don't agree with him all the time- but I'd say he's one of the few good guys left in Congress. Sad to see another good bill get thrown into a committee never to be heard from again... <sigh..> Woulda been nice to see Bush get what he deserved.. but then again, Kucinch couldn't get Cheney impeached either.. says a lot about Kucinich though- he tried to go after Cheney first. Smart guy...