LOL. Oh man, I'm really sorry guys. I'm trying, really I am, but every time I sit down at the PC lately I'm being pulled away for something or another. Also, the weather here has been phenomenal! I almost need to hook up the AC. I've been doing some stuff around the house as well, like creating some privacy and planning an outdoor garden for the season. The privacy thing came in the form of a mirrored/tinted window film that I've installed on 3 of 6 windows so far. Where I live is on ground level and during the day with the drapes open, it is possible to see into my place and that's always been at the back of my mind. The only other solution was to pull the drapes and well, winter was long and dark enough so that's wasn't gonna do it. I bought this film from HD under the brand Gila and I gotta tell ya it's pretty awesome. I go outside now, and even with my face right up to the window you can barely see a thing. Nighttime is a different story though and blinds need to be drawn. Also, there is a tint affect that darkens it a bit but it's a small sacrifice to have light and privacy. It takes a bit getting used to though, knowing you can see them but they can't see you. Also, I believe it will deflect a lot of heat and help cool the place too.
As far as my special garden, just after my last post saying I'm throwing some Romulans and Calizahrs into flower, I opened my tent to find all my terminal ends bright yellow! I took a few breaths and calmed down and tried to figure things out. They were somewhat dry but not enough to do that I don't think. I gave them a good feed with Epsom salt to start as I think it may be a Sulfur deff. Since then they seem to be perking up so I'll keep an eye on them. Also affected were the 2 Caseys and 2 Deep Psychosis and they were treated as well but will be staying in veg for a bit more.
In my smaller veg cabinet I have my other odds and sods I'm playing around with but I have another serious tray going that are up about a week or so now and they include a lot of Heri X Extremas as well as 4 Colombian Gold and 2 Psycho Killer Surprise. I hope I don't resent letting that cat out of the bag yet. I'm getting more reluctant these days since a rash of good beans failed but I'm getting better.
Anyway dudes, I'm planning an outdoor garden of sorts this year. I'm going to get some help getting it set up (all the heavy work that I can't do), and then I will plant and tend. I plan is to get a few 55 gallon food grade plastic barrels, cutting them each in three, to create 3 raised bed planters ( I plan to paint up the outsides so they don't look redneck or anything) I'm thinking 3 or 4 barrels should do. I'll also crab an extra to set up a rain barrel. I will be doing a lot of herbs and maybe some spices or herbal teas, IDK. Also I want to do peppers and specialty tomatoes of some sort, not just your regular stuff. Also, the Mrs and I will be planting a lot of flowers, especially large sunflowers, also for privacy. Some are suppose to grow 12' and I'm shooting for the limit.
Anyway guys, thanks for popping by and checking up and I will be back later. I've got a lot done but I've got a mixture together to soak the peat pellets in and the wifey is waiting so I've got to go. I will have some pics and vid later.