Breeders Boutique

My 2 fireball waterfarms are doing well, I just flipped them this past weekend!!!!.FULL FLOWER AHEAD I I found one leaning over in the pebbles so had to prop her up and add more pebbles ,
My coco girls in flower
are really starting to fatten up. and that is the mother of these 2 waterfarms.. That FIREball on the left was leaning over. I had to add more pebbles and straighten her out.
winter garden Dec 2014 003.JPG winter garden Dec 2014 011.JPG
breaks my heart seeing all the pr0n. stellar work DAT and Bob.

the missus was giving me all sorts of earache last night wanting temp monitored Co2 fire extinguishers and this that and the other. how many plants will you have 4?!?! 4 ffs man i miss living on my own well with my 30+ bitches hahah
So I see you being In sunnier climates a lot in the next year then...4 ladies, you'll never stick to that!
the missus was giving me all sorts of earache last night i miss living on my own

I've made the point often, and very few men have ever argued -

imagine how great man's life would be if he did not have a sex drive. [ procreation...I know...but besides that :) ]
never ceases to amaze me the male chauvinistic disrespectful jerks that continue to dominate these forums and continue to put women down. I don't get the humor here and have no respect for either one of you.
never ceases to amaze me the male chauvinistic disrespectful jerks that continue to dominate these forums and continue to put women down. I don't get the humor here and have no respect for either one of you.

I've never had a beef w/ you, nor would I want one. I admire your grow skills and results.
I'm going to effort a sincere reply to you without a grain of animosity intended - I can't control how you'll receive it, however.

My point - minus the humor - had more to do with preference rather than putting down the female sex, whom I have personally enjoyed in some ways for years. :hump: And years.

In other ways...not so much. I doubt I have to give examples of either experiences.

Because of women who are [a] perpetually on high alert for anything that may be protested as sexist or 'chauvanistic, and have no sense of humor, and [c] couldn't possibly concede a point regardless of how much truth there is behind it, most men would never willingly admit or even discuss what I typed previously. But none have ever disputed it when out of earshot of women [ cowards, henpecked, etc ].

But don't take my word for it - ask around to men you know who are secure enough to give you an honest answer w/o fear of you being offended. Ask them - if sexual attraction and drive were eliminated from the equation, would you rather hang out with women or men.

Ask them here on RIU, if you want, and if I'm wrong, I'll apologize for mispeaking for my gender.

But let's be precise - if there was absolutely no sexual motivation involved ever, why would men seek out a woman's company? You might even find that the same applies to women vs men. Believe it or not, women do in fact love me [ you'll have to accept that - or not ]. But my secure women friends don't carry a hair trigger to be offended by honest discussion with a secure male

No offense. :peace: