Breeders Boutique

Just ordered from them recently. Amazing how many positive reviews there are for Breeder’s Boutique. Looking forward to the grow.


1 pack dog regular

1 pack fireballs regular

1 pack Heir o' the Dog regular (freebie)

1 pack Sour Kush x Deep Blue regular.(freebie)
Pulled half a trash can of fireball this season outdoor from a 20 gallon smartpot. It finished up mid november and is quite a bit darker in color than the indoor grown.Great smoke with a pungent smell when you open the jar.
nice....funny that you called it Fireball. It is actually called Fireballs. Anyway, only reason I say is that we received a legal notice telling us that we are infringing on the Fireball trademark. That is owned by a large branding organisation which i shall not name. We are apparently under their radar. We have until Wednesday to remove the name.
We will actually be taking our whole website down and rebuilding which is overdue. Seems to me like the right time. At the moment 'we' being, me, myself and I:)
Breeders Boutique was closed down on the 1st of December. The new opening will be early 2019. Breeders' Boutique is dead. Long live Breeders' Boutique.
What is the name of the new one ?

Vuurballen or maybe just Fireballs:)
We will look forward to the Grand Opening. :0)
cheers JD.
Looking good enough to drink.....

No but for real,that looks delicious.

I need me some vuurbol in my life.
Good luck in your next venture @DST .....sad to see this happen but can't wait to see what comes next

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cheers no4.
nice....funny that you called it Fireball. It is actually called Fireballs. Anyway, only reason I say is that we received a legal notice telling us that we are infringing on the Fireball trademark. That is owned by a large branding organisation which i shall not name. We are apparently under their radar. We have until Wednesday to remove the name.
We will actually be taking our whole website down and rebuilding which is overdue. Seems to me like the right time. At the moment 'we' being, me, myself and I:)
Breeders Boutique was closed down on the 1st of December. The new opening will be early 2019. Breeders' Boutique is dead. Long live Breeders' Boutique.
Very much looking forward to the rebrand and launch. Please keep me posted on anything you need help with!