Brew Kit Air Pump


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone im looking into just building my own brewing kit with a lowes $5 5 gallon bucket and an air pump and stone. I was wondering whats the proper air CFM sized pump that i should have for a 36 hours brew in a 5. gal bucket. Thanks!


New Member
i think if you are talking about 1 airstone in a bucket i'm not really sure it matters as far as the air pump is concerned. i'd recommend the 8" round air stones though. i use them and they work great for brewing teas. plus, depending on where you are brewing you might want to look into a $25 reservoir heater.


Active Member
i got the $2.57 5gal bucket from lowes with the lowes logo on it :D a "two" pump air pump from petco or whatever, like $10 or $15 (says it's for 20 to 60gal) and i switched to a 4" round "stone" instead of the long skinny ones, and it works great, frothy buckets in 12hrs sometimes, foaming over the top if i am able to let it go all the way to 48hrs.

The long skinny ones were fine but they stopped working, but now i realize you just take a quick sandpaper to it and it's good to go again.