bring ACID back


Active Member
Maybe its just the people I hang out with - but it does seem to be coming back... It will find you - a connect of mine dried up recently, and I just ran into a new, hopefully better one without even looking....


Active Member
At my school, it was about the most common thing you could get, after weed that is, for a long time... If I remember right, sources started to dry up around '99 and were virtually nonexistant by 2002 or so. I'm sot sure if it was because of the people at the school leaving and taking their connections with them, or if this happened on a national level too. Thank God for weed, might not have gotten through without it.
im from the midwest and that seems about right for my area. was still available, big ten college town so everything was. just rarer.
At my school, it was about the most common thing you could get, after weed that is, for a long time... If I remember right, sources started to dry up around '99 and were virtually nonexistant by 2002 or so. I'm sot sure if it was because of the people at the school leaving and taking their connections with them, or if this happened on a national level too. Thank God for weed, might not have gotten through without it.


Well-Known Member
Acid does seem to find you. I feel all hallucinogens are like that. They find you when you are not expecting it. At least that's how it used to be. I think it has come back a lot in MI. There was a steady supply all summer, still have a couple tabs saved for that right day in the winter :) Good luck to you in your search. It will find you when the time is right haha