Brita Water Filter


Well-Known Member
So i was playing around with my pH tester and i tested my water directly from the tap and it came up a little above 7.0 and then i ran the same tap water through a brita filter and it changed the pH to around 5.0. Anyone experience a similar problem? I'm using a chemical pH tester so i can only really get within .5 margin of accuracy but the color change was at least 2.0 on the scale.


Well-Known Member
As far as i know the filter reduces your ppm and ph level which when you add your nutrients brings the levels back up,i personally dont have any testing kit and just filter my water with a basic food grade carbon filter than add some miracle grow and my plants are all fine.
If you want to have the perfect mixes everytime though youll have to get some advice from a more technical grower than me as im the pot and go and hope for the best type(lol) and to be honest none of my stuff ever dies or seems shoddy,but if you have a lot of plants and/or money invested in it(i only ever have 4 plants at once)i would reccomend checking everything properly and seeking other advice from those with more exp than me:blsmoke: