Keep it up man. Ignore the haters. It's gotten bad lately. They were newbies too.Pic 1-Norview Pain Plant (unknown mother x green crack)
Pic 2-Wedding Cake
Pic 3-Purple Haze
about a pound.
Doesn't look like the race is over but keep chugging along
So far my prize is improving the lives of people all across my state. The "lower end mids" that you speak of is actually a strain of marijuana that I developed that relieves all types of chronic nerve pain. The Norview Pain Plant has become one of the most sought after strains in my community because of it's quality and effectiveness. Now ask yourself this...what have YOU ever grown that did ANYTHING besides get you high? What have you contributed to the cannabis culture except a bunch of hateful comments and a constant online dickhead presence?? You belong in the circus with the rest of the clowns because those of us living in the real world recognize and appreciate outstanding work when we see it.Your prize is...lower end Mids?
So far my prize is improving the lives of people all across my state. The "lower end mids" that you speak of is actually a strain of marijuana that I developed that relieves all types of chronic nerve pain. The Norview Pain Plant has become one of the most sought after strains in my community because of it's quality and effectiveness. Now ask yourself this...what have YOU ever grown that did ANYTHING besides get you high? What have you contributed to the cannabis culture except a bunch of hateful comments and a constant online dickhead presence?? You belong in the circus with the rest of the clowns because those of us living in the real world recognize and appreciate outstanding work when we see it.
Bagseed genetics should be banned? Obviously you have the wrong person. You can't produce any quote from me on any site anywhere saying anything close to that. Stop lying to make a point. Harvesting early according to who?? Smh...obviously I harvested at the right time because the proof is in the pudding. My team is solid and we are good at what we do. The product that we developed works amazingly well. Period.Arent you the same guy who 2 months ago was harvesting early?
and then whinging that the bag seed genetics should be banned?
So far my prize is improving the lives of people all across my state. The "lower end mids" that you speak of is actually a strain of marijuana that I developed that relieves all types of chronic nerve pain. The Norview Pain Plant has become one of the most sought after strains in my community because of it's quality and effectiveness. Now ask yourself this...what have YOU ever grown that did ANYTHING besides get you high? What have you contributed to the cannabis culture except a bunch of hateful comments and a constant online dickhead presence?? You belong in the circus with the rest of the clowns because those of us living in the real world recognize and appreciate outstanding work when we see it.
"Bro Science got me WINNING AGAINNN!!"Bagseed genetics should be banned? Obviously you have the wrong person. You can't produce any quote from me on any site anywhere saying anything close to that. Stop lying to make a point. Harvesting early according to who?? Smh...obviously I harvested at the right time because the proof is in the pudding. My team is solid and we are good at what we do. The product that we developed works amazingly well. Period.
I think we all have msgs from people loving our gear. Hear you on the healing and giving away to help the needy. A team you say? What bro science are you using?Bagseed genetics should be banned? Obviously you have the wrong person. You can't produce any quote from me on any site anywhere saying anything close to that. Stop lying to make a point. Harvesting early according to who?? Smh...obviously I harvested at the right time because the proof is in the pudding. My team is solid and we are good at what we do. The product that we developed works amazingly well. Period.
I'm proud to say that i have poured boiling water over the root ball to shock it and then hung them upside down so that the THC went to the buds..I have..i recon i've probably done the nail in the pot a few times to.Boiling the roots after 72hrs of dark, 2 weeks of early flushing, UV and ozone gone berserk, or crucify it with iron nails, we've seen some horrors.
Dammit, I was gonna say that...all the good stuff was cherry picked.
I'm proud to say that i have poured boiling water over the root ball to shock it and then hung them upside down so that the THC went to the buds..
Drink the root tea afterward also, because that's where the CBD goes, then put the boiled roots on the bottom of the next growbag for time release nutrients, turn the stems into a hat. That completes the cycle, I guess the chicken can go in for soup instead of tea.I'ma kill a chicken next full moon!
Oh wait, maybe just eat one