Brobo's Thread for the Bro's (and Sisters, too)...

Haha GL with the folding :shock: socks I just toss in their drawer and say FUCK THAT!

Im happy you liked the Nibiru, I think cof will be harvesting some soonish.

If yall get all pr0n geeky please do share! I loves me some pr0n.

Haha GL with the folding :shock: socks I just toss in their drawer and say FUCK THAT!

Im happy you liked the Nibiru, I think cof will be harvesting some soonish.

If yall get all pr0n geeky please do share! I loves me some pr0n.


As soon as there is pr0n, there will be photos. I'm about to up pot all my girls in the couple of days… move em over to the 600 and get the party started.

welcome back bobro! damn good to hear from ya man. :bong:

hows life treating ya?

Hey brosef! Good to see you around these parts. Just popping my head up outta the ground grow some pot… ya know, the usual, lol. Might have to go see what this Dog Kush Grow Off in your sig is all about… WOOF! Hope you're swell Donnie. ;)
Would love to, but am limited on space at the moment… and I only have a couple of dog pips to pop, which may or may not even be good. One is def questionable. You can bet I'll be watching, tho!
Mornin' ladies and gents. In an effort to keep up to date with things, here's a little update.

Yesterday was transplant day. It was also the first time I used the drip system, which, although easy, also helped me overwater things a little bit :( I went in and checked this morning (I watered them last night, and have had lights on the whole time-- temps 82, rh is 45%-- 5% higher than I'd like)… things are a little droopy on some of the ladies, still. I'm hoping my high temps and abundance of airflow will help remedy this one quickly.

Now, knock on wood, I hate to say it, but I haven't seen any PM in a few days… I dumped the clones that were exhibiting the beginning of white spots, and have been closely monitoring everyone else. I'm worried about my water boarding, though… hopefully I haven't done myself in. On to the veg pr0n.

I've got my 600 plus a 200w LED veg spectrum as a little added bonus. They say it's a 400w equivalent. It definitely makes the buds denser. . .

Were you happy with your LEDs this last grow, jig?
Thanks Whodat… yeah, I'm super stoked on it, despite my initial error. I'm actually going to double up on the emitters… 2 per pot, one on each side of the stock. I just don't want all the water entering at the same point. It was crazy though… it took me literally a couple minutes to water 16 pots, which normally would take me… a lot longer.

LED=disco party. I'm not sure about using one on it's own to flower, but I can tell you as an adjunct light they are the shit.
I was pretty darn happy with my LED's. I'm going to continue running them. The g/w numbers turned out about the same as I'm used to. The smoke was higher grade then normal for me, smell best i've ever done. Buds were small though. I think that was partly the way I grew the plants and partly the lights. My electricity bill liked my last grow a lot.
Glad to finally get an honest take start to finish on the LED's.I think I'm a lil more interested in the induction lights, but you've made a believer outta me. ATB!
That's cool, jig. I'm sure as the technology continues to get better it will only mean better things.

By the way, I just got the best jar of pickles the other day. There's jalapeños and all sorts of shit in there that make my tastebuds scream. And made by a local business. I think I'm gonna get another. And maybe one more after that. Fuck. I'm stoned.
STP, stoned to pickles! lol
Hot mix rocks!
It sure is good to see this thread going again, even better that your back in it bobo! Some good folks that have been away are coming back, that is just too cool!
puff, puff, pass.....
Stoned to pickles, and then some. Yes, it is great to be back, thanks Colo. I'm having a rough start to it from this overwatering business, though. :( Plants still haven't dried out all the way, despite my best efforts… numerous fans, plenty of fresh air, and 81 degree temps with 41% rh. The girls are just looking licked today. Things need to turn around quick. I'm pretty pissed at myself. Stupid drip system, lol.

Watcha puffin' cowboy?? Blackberry kush with a little bit of Jack so I don't completely fall asleep in my chair.
Tokin up some buddha tahoe mixed with some strawberry dogshit, I'll be glad to doze off in my chair though! ;)
I recently fucked a number of plants with an over watering while out of town as well. Shit happens bro, just got to move on or you'll give yourself ulcers.

Puff, puff, pass.... blackberry kush sounds kill!
I'm puffin (cute birds they are) on some Jamaican Bobsled lol. I got it from dez and we both thing that name sucks so we just call it jamaican.

Strawberry dogshit? Sounds interesting.
Both of those sound great. Especially the dog shit. The Blackberry has my head in its hand right now... It is great. Shower time, then a new episode of True Detective. That show is hot!

You're right about the move on part. And the ulcers part, too, lol. They'll get over it. Their leaves are holding up strong… just have a little discoloration/wilt is all. I just went down and poked some holes in the dirt around the rootball with my Bobofinger (super long model), and turned the dehu on. They'll be fine. Girls like long fingers.

One of these days I'm gonna get down to see you, Jig. And Colo, I don't know where you are in Colo, but you can bet your ass I'll be back over there sometime, too.