broke a plant/ salvage?


My fan fell on one of my clones and broke it about 2 inches above the base. Now i am left with a 2 inch stem in hydroten with healthy roots and about a foot or more of the other end of the plant. Will either grow and how should i go about salvaging them? can i put the plant outside? can i cut some clones? should i leave the stem and hope it grows?



New Member
what you gonna cut clones from lol the stem? more than likely this will not grow back cause without leaves plant will not be able to function properly. i would just ditch it.


Well-Known Member
so the stem and roots have no leaves on them? either way i'd just forget about the stem piece since you have more plants. its not worth the time, make the clone in to clones if you want or you could try to get it itself to root again but that will most likely take much longer than a bunch of smaller clones from it would.


there is one small branch off the stem that contains two small leaves. the reason i want to keep it is because the other clones are pretty full into their second week of vegetative growth. the one that broke was the best and tallest and the stem is the biggest and strongest of the four. i made a better cut than it had from the break...will it work as a topping cut, or how does that work? can i just plant the part that broke off outside? It is the plant on the right front that broke in the attached photos.




Well-Known Member
score the stem and dip it in rooting hormone and maybe it'll start pushing out more roots but its gonna take awhile for the new roots to be sufficient for the amount of foliage the plant has.


I put it back inside with the other plants after following the instructions, but i don't have rooting hormone on me so i just stuck it in the rockwool and am hoping it will start up again. should i plan on getting new rockwool and rooting hormone tomorrow and trying to replace it again?