Broke some branches


Well-Known Member
Depending on how bad the break is, It could take as long as weeks, But if it isn't to bad of a break I've had them come back in 5 days but you may notice a big knot at the broken part when healed up. Just try not to move it to much, if your fan is moving your branches try and get it as secure as possible.
Good luck Hope it comes back and healthy for you....


Yea me too it was one of the good tops so I used painters tape to put it back together and I had to move my trellis up some....I'm also running out of room in my 5x5 so I was going to flip but now I'm thinking I have to wait maybe 2 more weeks which blows


Well-Known Member
Cool Keep me posted on your progress, I am interested in how long yours will take. you can never learn enough, there are so many new ways today. and learning is half the fun new and exciting
Good Luck


Well-Known Member
I use athletic tape and change the tape just about every week. Depending on the age and stage of the plant she may take a week to heal maybe weeks. If you are in veg though she should bounce back pretty quickly. Goodluck man!