broken branches, early harvest ... tips. photo


Well-Known Member
a windstorm has broken many branches of my large plant ... end of the seventh week of flowering but unfortunately still far behind ... is it worth to dry them and cure them or is it better to throw them in the ICE or lator bags?IMG_20191010_174557 (1).jpgIMG_20191010_174437 (1).jpgIMG_20191010_174930.jpgIMG_20191010_174732.jpgIMG_20191010_174913.jpg
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Well-Known Member
weigh your options
they look nice right now but if you can prolong the season more you have to weigh the possibility of losing more it's really your choice

that stuff looks good i'd do a wet trim and thorough inspection on any outdoors here (because of a humid late/harvest season) so that way you catch any random bud rot/mold before it can dry and spore off

some people chop half the plant and let the small buds go as long as they can. those wont break cause theyre so light, and if they get fucked up it isnt a huge deal

losing only a few branches is fine even if you can just harvest those and keep the thing goin

good luck!


Well-Known Member
English is not my first language, I probably haven't explained myself well

the plant is very healthy, no rot or other...

practically the wind broke many branches and then I gathered them (the rest of the plant I will still let it go on for 1 or 2 weeks)

the broken branches are those shown in the picture, about 7 weeks of flowering


Well-Known Member
Dry it out and smoke it. Have you tried any yet? If you like it, that is the true way of knowing if you should keep it for smoke.
If you don't like the smoke you can always process it to hash or edibles! or hash and then into edibles :D


Well-Known Member
I didn't try it... I like it and I look for a soporific, relaxing effect to sleep

seems rather immature, most of the trichomes are cloudy but there isn't even an amber one... only some sugar leaves have some amber trichomes

if the wind didn't break them I would have waited more or less another 2 weeks

the question is this:

withlong care will I be able to get a good herb (for my taste) or at least balanced?

or will it remain an immature herb with a dizzying effect, tachycardia, etc.?


Well-Known Member
are several branches of a large plant, it is so much material... I am not talking about a ounce of grass...

time, space, etc.... and then maybe get a product that is not up to my expectations.

I have always harvested when the buds are well ripe with many amber colored trichomes (on the flowers, not the sugar leaves... the leaves become amber much earlier)
I have no experience with an early harvest at 7 weeks
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Well-Known Member
Just cure it a few months and smoke the rest that goes to full maturity in the mean time. I've had to chop early do to hermies and after 4-5 months in a jar it's smokable without the speedy anxious side effects.

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
are several branches of a large plant, it is so much material... I am not talking about a ounce of grass...

time, space, etc.... and then maybe get a product that is not up to my expectations.
View attachment 4406067

I have always harvested when the buds are well ripe with many amber colored trichomes (on the flowers, not the sugar leaves... the leaves become amber much earlier)
I have no experience with an early harvest at 7 weeks
Fine ,
I would trash it , but my supply isn't affected
Is that what you needed to hear?


Well-Known Member
Fine ,
I would trash it , but my supply isn't affected
Is that what you needed to hear?
I understand that I can make this question of mine laugh ... but elaborate a lot of grass, dry it, treat it in jars, etc.... and then maybe have a product that I don't like


Well-Known Member
I understand that I can make this question of mine laugh ... but elaborate a lot of grass, dry it, treat it in jars, etc.... and then maybe have a product that I don't like
Someone you know will enjoy it even if you don't...