Broken branches.. Infection?


Active Member
Well I am scrogging right now I'm a bit past 2 weeks into flowering. I had 2 branches break off completely and now there are some black and brown streaks. Not noticeable at first glance but I inspected all branches and have noticed where the breaks occurred its a little brown and black around but other branches have some streaking in random spots of the same color. My lights are off or id take a pic. I want to say it looks like stem rot but it's not been wet. So idk what the infection could be. Anyone have any clue. The plant still looks super healthy.


Active Member
Anybody? I'm thinking a type of canker from what I've seen but at the same time there is no lesions just odd streaking of a brown black color. Would adding some hydrogen peroxide to my watering tomorrow give me some help at recovering. I'll take pics tomorrow and post them.


Well-Known Member
It will heal itself so leave us alone bro.I've broken 100s of branches because I'm clumsy but they always heal back no issue.


Well-Known Member
When they break dowse with honey and wrap with burlap. Electrical tape works in a pinch. I had to do it this morning to one of mine. It will heal and be fine. It's funny that marijuana relieves stress and yet we stress over growing it. I was obsessed and stressed last year. This year I just let'em grow


Active Member
I don't see much wrong with the break, however, I do see your leaves are getting eaten by spider mites though ;/
No spider mites at all actually idk what you were seeing lol maybe some perlite on the leaves. But no mites at all.

When they break dowse with honey and wrap with burlap. Electrical tape works in a pinch. I had to do it this morning to one of mine. It will heal and be fine. It's funny that marijuana relieves stress and yet we stress over growing it. I was obsessed and stressed last year. This year I just let'em grow
Thanks I'll have to try this next time!


Active Member
It's not the break I was worried as much. I think some how the plant got an infection. I'll keep my eye on it. Hopefully it doesn't get any worse. I wish I was able to take better pictures. These streaks I'm talking about are not good at all lol I can tell that. Hopefully she kicks it and it doesn't do any serious damage. I have some chronic thunder outdoors I'm hoping to pull like 12 oz off. I was just wanting a LB all together enough to last me and the wife a year lol