broken cola


Well-Known Member
i know you and split and tape broken stems cola etc..not sure if this snap is any different im about 5 weeks into flowering the plant is topped and i was doing a lil lst to try to lay the two colas over to get more light to the bottom and where the V is where it was top it snpaped right in the bottom between the two and down the one cola..i taped it up..are we good?? or should i would about this kidna of break.? thanks


Well-Known Member
I had it happen once and I carefully wrapped thread around the break and found a sling shot looking V stick to help support, it worked and the cola never died.
Well it died eventually lolz but by my hand. If its not a full break they seem to repair nicely as long as you acted fast.


Well-Known Member
I did the exact same thing with one of my, wait. Two of my plants. I just tied it with a string and then taped it together. Theyre much stronger now and still healthy. Your plants will be fine, As long as its still touching each other and not fully snapped off, it'll graft itself together. The wonders of nature.


My problem is worse, I came home & my lights fellon top of two blue mystiqs. On one of the plants the main colas snapped completely off. I'm five weeks in flowering. Do I still finish or is all lost for the one colas that snapped?