Broken PC fan question.


Well-Known Member
Currently using 2 PC fans connected to a dc adaptor for exhaust and 2 pc fans to dc adaptor for intake. One of my pc fans for exhaust started becoming more loud so I figure its about dead. I was going to take a look at the dust on it but broke off one of the plastic blades. Its noisier and about to die but Monday my new fans will be here. Is this fire hazard safe? I'm running 12 small CFL's.

If your wondering, the new fans will be:

Intake: 4 inch axial fan.
Exhaust: Inline fan 6 inchs. (Will be adding carbon filter to it soon).

So as I sit here the exhaust pc fan is making noise but still spinning straight. Will I be safe until Monday? Any suggestion?


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
The cheapie fans usually fail at the bushings (they aren't sealed and dust is a killer). So vacuum those fans once a month. I'd spray a tiny amount of WD 40 or other lubricant onto the fan's shaft. That may give you more time before failure and reduce the friction. But if you are using those type of fans for this use I'd keep an extra around just for these situations.

If a small amount (and I mean very small and wipe any extra you see off) stops the noise you will be fine until Monday. If it doesn't I'd disconnect the fan and see how much the temp rises. If the temp goes to high I'd run the fan to failure.

Oh and they don't usually burst into flame when they fail so you are most likely safe but freak occurrences do happen.

One other thought, you can move an intake fan to exhaust. Higher exhaust will create a lower pressure effect to passively pull for intake.


Well-Known Member
Hmmm this is going to be tricky.

Thank you for the quick answer. :)

Hopefully they won't expload....